Here and now

1 minute read time.

Just thought I would write an update as I have been absent from the site for a while.

Well Christmas was not as bad as I thought in some respects. That said, the B&B was shocking and totally unsafe so I checked straight out again. I was so poorly with awful sickness that I went to stay at Parents house. Think they were shocked to see how ill I was after not visiting or having bothered to make much contact since I became ill. I think it did them good to see me like that really. That said they still refused to discuss anything to do with my illness or how I feel or indeed what I have been going through.....

It was good to see some of the Family but I was horrified at the atmosphere and tension between my family. They are so caught up in a bitter fued and at war with each other and are obviously totally oblivious to the impact their behaviour has on others. Just can't believe they feel it was acceptable to have me stuck in the middle of that hell, but as they have no insight whatsoever I shall take the view that it was therefore unintentional!

I have heard so many people say that this year has been an awful one and they will be glad to see it gone. I find New Year quite upsetting and seem to focus on the bad that has happened and of course I will be ever nearer to finding out what is coming next treatment wise....

Am having lots of strong and strange emotions but am becoming so aware that I do a good job of looking after myself and it is indeed good to be as self sufficient as I am.

The New Year will bring a new baby into the family, (due last week) my Sisters wedding which I am really looking forward to and the Olympics, woo hoo) I am generally feeling positive and quite strong. I will try to nuture myself and take good care of myself and make a real go of my Career.

Best wishes and love to all who are on the site for whatever reason. Lets look after one and other.

  • Hi Maisey

    It is so sad that your family could not make an effort or even acknowledge what you have been and are still going through but I guess like all wars innocents get stuck in the middle and the combatents are more wrapped up in their own world and oblivious of what effect their behaviour has on others.

    It is good that you are so self sufficient and able to look after yourself but again sad that you have no choice.

    I am one of those people who will be glad to see the end of this year and I  know not everyone feels the same it sounds as if you have some good things to look forward to in the new year and I hope you continue to remain positive,

    I wish you all good things


    Scraton xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maisey,

    I agree with everything that Scraton has said. Your family seem to be wrapped up in their own little world. Leave them to it.  You seem to be a very strong type of person and very positive. As you say lets look after eachother. Just remember you are never alone. A very Happy and Healthy New Year. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maisy mouse... You keep trying to be positve and strong and looking after yourself  and look forward to babies and weddings :)

    And, yes we will look after eachother cos that is what macland is best at!

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx