Tissue expander removed!

1 minute read time.

Hi all,

quick recap for those (probably most reading) who haven’t read the previous posts 

  • I’m having all treatment in Japan.
  • I’ve had 6 rounds and Chemo followed by a mastectomy in June 
  • at the time of the mastectomy I had a tissue expander put in
  • the tissue expanders job is to stretch the skin over time, reconstruction (2nd surgery) was planned for feb / march next year
  • the tissue expander caused an infection and ultimately had to be removed.

so now you’re all caught up. I’m coming to you from my hospital bed. Surgery yesterday, it all happened so fast! I’ll be here for three weeks and here’s why; since there’s was a lot of puss (sorry if that’s TMI) they’ve had to leave the wound open as to clean it everyday, apparently it takes time for the healthy tissue to come through. I’ll receive antibiotics by IV. 
Now the good news is I’m quite comfortable, I was SO nervous and worried since after the mastectomy I couldn’t even walk for about two weeks, in hindsight the pain and discomfort was caused by the tissue expander. 
after all this I’ve decided against a reconstruction and feel fine with that decision. Of course a huge part of me wishes I would have settled on that choice sooner but you never know how you’ll feel about loosing a breast. What a hard choice to make.

todays mood 6/10

  • Hi Pichan, thank you for your blog. It's good to hear that you've turned a bit of a corner with your treatment. I guess we never know how our body will respons to the offered interventions. Hopefully you will now be able to heal. 

    After all you've experienced,  it doesn't seem surprising that you've decided not to have further reconstruction surgery.

    Take really good care, Shaka 

  • Thank you! 
    There may be a post to follow, one surgery turned into two and two weeks in Hospital turned into almost four weeks!
    But now I'm home and just waiting for the stitches to come out next week.