Tissue expander complications continue (rare)

1 minute read time.

Hi all,

Honestly not much of an update since my last post. 

About two weeks ago I feared the tissue expander had become exposed under my plaster, it just felt different so I decided to check it...

I removed the thick foam plaster and I THOUGHT I saw part of the tissue expander, a small white/greyish circle at the tip of the point. basically it looked like a pimple. 

So I went to the hospital the following day and I'm expecting the worst case...(they are for sure going to schedule surgery and remove this thing) I weirdly came to peace with it. I just thought, I'm sick of all this, just take it out and leave me be.

But to my surprise the doctor removed the plaster and seemed confused, she said 'it's still under the skin, the skin is very thin but it hasn't come outside'
She advised I don't remove the plaster again and return to the hospital next week (todays tomorrow!)

My Phesgo treatment had been pushed back once again. Still non the wiser about when I'll start, but thanks to the lovely community on here I'm so ready.

Anyway, right now the foam plaster appears to be flat / flatter so I guess thats a good thing however my skin is very red, kinda looks bruised.
Is it normal? My surgery was at the start of June, it seems to be taking so long for my skin to get back to its normal colour. Also, given the circumstances, should I be sleeping on my back? 

Todays mood 7/10 (bored but fine!)

How are you feeling today?
