I'm going flat (tissue expander result)

Less than one minute read time.

Hi all,

so, follow up appointment today.

I walked into the room and the doctor was already clutching a file with available dates for surgery.

She explained since the tissue expander still is not settling so we have to remove it, regarding reconstruction I can not have an implant due to the infection (I actually thought the infection had cleared up but it seems to be an on going thing.) They explained about the possibility of taking skin and muscle from my back and doing the reconstruction (my skin is already stretched enough to do this) This natural reconstruction was originally my first choice of how I wanted a reconstruction, however, after lot of pain and infections later, I've had some time to think and feel my body has been through enough.

And so as soon as next Monday (less than a week) I'll have the tissue expander removed.

Right now there's a lot of bruising and swelling. I keep getting a twitching pain. I hope the pain does not intensify during this week.

I'm also worried about money since I'm freelancing here. All I want to do is get back to work! Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer...

Todays mood 5/10
