What happened

1 minute read time.

My dad was diagnosed in June last year. It was a really hard thing to hear and made no easier as I as the one who had to tell my brother. A coupe of months later he had a big operation on his neck which we were told would take about 3 hours - so I was mentally pacing after 6 hours and he was still in theatre. The operation was complicated but successful and my dad spent a couple of days in intensive care before being moved onto the ward.

Once he had  recovered sufficiently from that, he had 6 weeks of radiotherapy which he has now completed. I am now trying to help him recover and this is where the difficulty is. He hasn't been able to eat anthing solid since his operation last year. He has diabetes so his body takes longer to heal anyway but he's not taking in enough nutrients.

I try to get him to have at least 2 Complan shakes, a soup,  pudding and some tea everyday but sometimes he can't even manage that. The last time he went to te doctor, they told him that the pain he is in is normal and will go in time. I think that he is healing very slowly because of his ack of food and the diabetes issue but sometimes he just feels very sick and so can't eat anything. I think that maybe the sick feelng comes from the strong pain killers he is on when he hasn't eaten anything to line his stomach.

It seems to be a vicious circle and I can't see what to do about it. I suggested going to see the doctor again but he refused. He has a hospital appointment  (a check up) coming up shortly so if he hasn't improved at all by then, I'll have to raise this then.

Any ideas, comments woud be very gratefully received.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pepper Blue.Im very sorry about your Dad.Does he take extra vitamins to help with the healing? Its very difficult to think of any suggestion since it depends on what ,if anything,your Dad fancies eating.Sorry Im not much help.HUGS 

  • FormerMember

    Hi janique - thanks for your reply.

    He's finding it very difficult to take anything at all. He had his check up a couple of days ago and physically he's healing well. The main problems are now that he has no teeth (had none before treatment) and used to be fine eating food without them but his gums have shrunk so he can't chew food. I'm wondering if there's a way to unshrink his gums? Also he doesn't have much saliva anymore and the doctors have confirmed that this is something he won't get back so it will always be a struggle for him to eat. I'm scared that he's going to give up and I don't know how to help him.

    It's beginning to feel like there's no end to this. I've got a good blender but is it okay for me to turn everything he eats into soup?

    Again, I really appreciate your reply - just being heard is helping me!

  • FormerMember

    Hello Pepper,

    I am sorry to hear of your dad, I know how you are feeling at the moment, my dad has just gone through exactly the same procedure. He completed his last radiotherapy treatment a week ago and has lost so much weight from lack of appetite, feeling sick all the time, he is also suffering from chest pain. He sits in a chair allday with a blanket wrapped around him almost like he is given up and losing the battle I am so worried.  In addition to this I know he is feeling so frustrated with himself.  The nurses has told him to take short 5 mins walk a day to build on his strength, but he do not listen them.    I have tried talking to him, which at the moment is a task by itself as he has difficultly hearing as his hearing aid do not fit him anymore since the surgeon cut half of his ear off and now waiting to have one made for him.  I am so worried I don't know what I can do for the best or who to contact for advice.  Hopefully, by joining the Macmillan website it will help give me support and lead me in the right direction to help my dad.


    I wish you, your dad and your family the courage and support needed in trouble times. I will be thinking of you. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Gail and thank you for your support. (And sorry it took me so long to reply - I'm not very good on computers and it took me a while to remember how to reply).

    I'm sorry to hear that your dad is also having such a difficult time. I don't know if I had built up an unrealistic idea in my head about how long it would take for recovery to set in but my dad seems to be plagued by one trouble after another and it's all been overwhelming lately. I thought the hardest part would be the treatment itself.... 

    One of the things that can be a struggle for me is keeping positive - I would never ever let my dad see me despairing. Do you have that trouble? I'm also worried sick by the amount of weight that is being lost. I know what you mean about the worry that your dad has given up - I have that same fear and I can't stand feeling this helpless.

    I truly hope that you find the help and support you need at this time and that your dad soon starts to improve.

    My very best wishes are with you and your family and I hope we speak again.
