My mum

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My mum was told 8 days ago that she has cancer of the pancreas, liver and lungs the doctor has referred her twice to Macmillan nurses and still we wait for news. This is quite tough as she has only about 4-5 weeks left and today she asked if she could have a shower and my dad who is 75 is starting to worry, we live along way away and left her yesterday and I will go back and make sure she is ok, we were told we would get so much help but we have not seen any yet and the clock is ticking.

  • FormerMember

    It is only when your loved one gets cancer that you realise how hard it is to get help.

    I hope things improve for you, it is so stressful.

  • FormerMember

    Well my mum went a bit gaga last Tuesday my dad asked the GP to admit her to hospital and he refused with my mums condition rapidily getting worse we phoned 999, 2 excellent ambulance crew checked her over and took her straight to hospital 1 week later see is still there fighting off numerous infections, I will be very surprised if she comes home. All this after the GP said she would be better off at home?????

    I have lost faith in the GPs that are supposedly looking after her we still have no care package in place the hospice do not want to know, social services are worse than useless and MacMillian are not interested, it seems that a 74 year old man/husband has to do all the caring, this is Disgraceful

  • FormerMember

    Well yesterday my mum passed away 26 days after diagnosis, we never saw a macmillan Nurse(do they exist??)

    Never had a care package in place Dietician phoned to make an appointment the day before she left us, the only care she received was on the hospital ward, where she stayed for 8 days after her GP said she did not need to go,

    The level of care she got was disgraceful I feel ashamed that in this modern age we cannot attend to the basic care needs of the terminally ill.

    Anybody who is interested in forming a group to lobby Parliment and doctors let me know because we must do something to stop this happening again and again

  • FormerMember

    So sorry about your mum Simon, it is unbelievable how little care there is in certain parts of the country. It was the same for us, we only got a district nurse after complaining to our gp, who told us that the hospital was responsible for getting everything in place. The hospital told us it was the gp's responsibility, we didn't care, we just wanted some help. We couldn't even get anywhere to accept the used fragmin syringes (I had the task of injecting her everyday), the hospital didn't give us a big enough container to dispose of them in. I could go on and on.

  • FormerMember
    So very sorry for your loss, you must be feeling so angry that you didn't receive any help, don't let this interfere with your grieving got your mother, I know it's difficult .