This can't be happening...... can it?

Less than one minute read time.
In January I was given the all clear following 18 months of treatment for breast cancer. We are just recovering from the trauma of this and trying to get our lives back together! However, following an episode of blood in his urine, my husband is now being fast tracked to a urologist for investigations, there is no symptoms, pain or otherwise. Mention the word 'fast track' and my mind goes into overdrive. I can't believe it is happening to us again!!
  • FormerMember

    There can be many innocuous reasons for such a symptom Helen.    I hope that it's a case of your GP just being good at getting things moving and ultra-cautious rather than anything else.    I guess we all have to get used to waiting for results with our own respective illnesses.   I hope the wait for you is a short one and that the news is ultimately reassuring.      

    Andrew xx

  • FormerMember

    I know how easy it can be to imagine the worst specially since you've just finished a year and a half of dealing with something that must have been traumatic for you and your husband.  It may feel like a nightmare starting all over again, a very familiar albeit unwanted feeling.

    During times like these, it helps me to be reminded to stick to the here and now and not to jump the gun.  My thoughts can be like a runaway train and wreak havoc on my emotions.  When I focus on what I know only for now then I remind myself that things are okay now and I don't have to stress over something that may or may not turn out to be true.  I let tomorrow take care of itself.

    I know this is easier said than done and it does take conscious effort.  It seems like you and your husband are very supportive of each other and whatever happens you'll be there to pull each other through.

    I hope this turns out to be a false alarm.