
2 minute read time.

My 43 year old extremely health conscious, fit and active husband noticed at the start of October that he had some rectal bleeding which he ignored for 2 weeks - when he casually mentioned this to me I insisted he go to out GP the next morning - he done this and was referred for a sigmoidoscopy on 28 October - he was told at this procedure that he had Chrons Disease, they also took some biopsies, and he was started on a medication which made him very unwell - he lost a stone in 2 weeks - he contacted our GP who advised him to stop this medication and that he had received a letter to say my husband was getting an appointment arranged for a colonoscopy. My hubby felt better for a few days but then on 16 November he phoned me to work to say he felt very unwell (totally out of character) which made me feel alarmed. We phoned our out of hours GP and he told me to go to A&E with my husband. We did this and he was admitted to hospital with extremely high blood pressure. He was very ill and developed many complications with his breathing and his heart and needed to go to the coronary unit. He also developed a blood clot in his lung and a bleed in his brain. After extensive tests we were told that there was a high probability that he had bowel cancer but they would need to do the colonoscopy which he was too sick to receive at that time because of his heart and prolonged high blood pressure. He eventually received the colonoscopy on 1 December. The consultant told my husband that he had just one tumour in his bowel which we all took as good news thinking that this meant it hadn't spread. Unfortunately my husband's health deteriorated with his breathing becoming much worse. On many occasions I asked to speak to doctors who gave me very vague information saying that they didn't know what was going on and that my husband was a "mystery" and they were examining the possibility of a multi system disease. I left my husband on 6 December at 9.10 pm with him saying to me that he would love if I could give him a shave the next morning. I picked my daughter up from her training and went home. At 1.15 am, 4 hours after I left my beautiful husband, the hospital called and said my husband wasn't well and could I come down. When I arrived with my sister in law at 1.30 am they told me that my husband's heart had failed and he had passed away. I can't express what a shock this has been to myself, my 3 children and my extended family. My husband was such a vibrant, happy person who lived life to the full and was loved and adored by us all. It has been 3 weeks and I feel like I am in a horrible dream. I celebrated my 40th birthday in September with a holiday in Portugal with my husband and looking at the photos and remembering the holiday he had absolutely no sickness, tiredness or weight loss and we had a fantastic fun filled holiday. After initial post mortem results the hospital have told us that the cancer had spread to his liver, lungs, kidneys and brain and was an extremely aggressive cancer - I just can't get my head around the lack of symptoms - has anyone else had any experience like this?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jb, I am so, so sorry for the loss of your husband, and what a shock it obviously was/is xxx As for the lack of symptoms, thats the same as my dad...he was diagnosed just over a year ago, after experiencing bloody pus from his bum, and a slight bloating feeling...thats all. By the time the diagnosis was made, it had already spread to his liver quite extensively, so it is quite common. If you join the bowel & colon cancer group (and go into chat), and have a look at peoples' profiles, you'll see just how common xx Im afraid I really dont know what to say, as no words can really change anything, apart from my condolences xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    Claire x

  • FormerMember

    Sincere condolences and deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear husband and father to your children.

    Hope you get some answers and some hope from the fantastic people on this macmillan site.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you.

    love jmd xxx

  • FormerMember


    My thoughts are with you and your Family.  May your Husband. R.I.P.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your kind words - I was having a really tough day yesterday coupled with the fact that I can't sleep very well hence the outpouring. I just feel totally bewildered and cant believe that all the plans we had made for our future have been snatched away. I have been reading a lot of very tragic stories today and know I am not alone in my despair.



    Jill xx