
  • Morbid, but how am I likely to die from pancreatic cancer


    I can't cope with the idea of needles and pain, so Im hoping it will be as painless as possible, just  wrap myself up and go to sleep is my idea, with my family holding my hands quetly.  Its still not a nice thought to get my head round though, and i know the days are ticking by quickly,

    Sarah xx

  • I'm trying to find out how I will die


    Hi all

    I'm currently feel I'm on  a high, full pf energy etc, but i think that is because Im taking steroids, which is masking all the nasty symptoms i may naturally have, I booked a holiday for 3 weeks believing that half the time I'd be laying in bed very tired,  but I haven't, I've been wide awake and full of energy.   Is that the steroids ive been taking that have been doing that to me?  If so, should…