Still so very tired

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It worries me a bit that I am still feeling so tired most days. Maybe I just expect too much too quickly. I have never been known for my patience! I still have 4 weeks to go until my next scan and endoscopy and the anxiety levels are rising as the dates get nearer. How I dread those words, 'It is no better' or 'incurable'.

The whole experience has left me feeling so small and vulnerable and lonely.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey, so sorry you are feeling like this, try to stay posative, you have been so strong to go through all you have, lets hope your strength comes back and you can enjoy your bunnies xx Take care.

  • FormerMember

    aw hun the waiting just plays on your mind i know and you start to think all sorts dont feel lonely we are all here if you need to message us any time think this disease makes us feel very lonely sometimes we lose friends we thought were always there for us i have and then i thought oh well guess you werent what i so thought you were and decided it was their loss not mine im sure you will feel better soon once you know whats in the front of you try to stay strong and positive take care always here if you need a friend love and hugs jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey,

    Keep that chin up. Dont let this bloody desease get you down its not worth it. Your stronger than that.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    It's easier to say than do but be as positive as you can..Last November, incurable was not the word used by my oncologist, his comment was "our job is to keep you alive as long as possible and give you as good a quality of life as we can" somehow that sounds better and from then I decided that I was living with cancer not dying of it. So far things have been ok and he has kept up his part of the bargain. No one can tell the future and it is no good trying to anticipate what will happen. Worrying about it will not change it so why bother?: Best wishes and hope all goes well for you, Mike

  • FormerMember

    Hang on in there .  There may be some good and bad times but you are not alone we are all here for you .

    Accept all the help you can get .  I am the carer for my partner and he is doing OK -some days good & others less so but then thats the same for everyone

    Best wishes