Hartley26's blog

  • Next steps


    I’m sat in the hospital patiently waiting to go up to the ward. Had my COVID test, which I will admit was uncomfortable and made me sneeze uncontrollably! But it always better Ito be safe. 
    My operation is booked for tomorrow, then it’s a long journey to recovery, I’m just so grateful that they found it early enough that surgery will remove all the cancer.. 

  • Good news


    So I got the news and it was a lot better than expected. The tumour is small and they have caught it early enough. They are going to operate and remove it and even better they can do it via key hole surgery.. 

    The appointment is on Tuesday, I have my COVID test on Monday, so I need that to be negative.. 

    I’m absolutely terrified about it, having to be away from my family, my baby, but happy that it’s been caught early enough…

  • My appointment


    So I’m sat here putting my make up on, while my baby crawls around me on the morning of my first of many hospital appointments. Thinking I’m can do this. I’m stronger than this.  At first I thought why me and kept feeling sorry for myself and now I’m God only likes to test his strongest. So just bring it!! 
    Thinking of you all who are good through this, just remember you are strong and you have everyone…

  • And it begins


    I got news that I have my first appointment to discuss my treatment plan. I have to wait 10 days till the appointment and I’m not sure how I feel about it. After speaking to others, I’m not whether waiting is a good thing or a bad thing.
    I’m very anxious about it, especially with the world the way it is. 

  • Feeling more positive


    Friday, I had a call with the cancer nurse who told me that it could be 3 weeks till I hear about my treatment plan. This hit me quite hard and I struggled for the rest of the day. I just kept thinking why me, what did I ever do t deserve this. I wasn’t going to let this ruin my weekend with my babies. SO...Today was incredible. I decided that I wasn’t going to let the cancer rule my life.. so I thought before my treatment…