Tough day

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If you knew me like my friends and family did, you would know that I’m certainly not a person who can sit still, I have to be busy so today just sat in my hospital room in self isolation was tough on me. Having my own thoughts, not being able to be outside, being away from my family, my babies.. 

Tomorrow if going to be even tougher and it all starts at 8am for a round of radioactive injections and then imaging and then my long surgery. 

I’m one of the lucky ones, my cancer yep I said it the c word, is treatable and I will recover and get better physically but I’m pretty sure that my mind is going to take a lot longer to heal. It will with time, and if today has taught me anything, it’s time to slow down, enjoy life more and worry less because I could have lost it all but I have been given another chance and I’m going to grab it with both hands, if I can survive this my scars will tell my story that I’m strong and have come out the other side. 
