Further Update on Dave in Little Rock - Habubrat

1 minute read time.

Wow!  Dave's White Blood Count is now up over 5 (2 being the target) from 1.6 yesterday.  The stopped the growth factor shot, thank goodness.  His CRP (which measures infection) dropped again and is now 15.8 with under 10 being insignificant, and 15 is not worrisome either, mostly because it is trending downward.  They stopped the antibiotic infusers yesterday since it was trending down.  His platelets are at 30, but they keep dropping.  Between 30-50 and we can go home.  So I will be trying to talk them into an infusion boost tomorrow if they drop again, because otherwise we won't get to go home and we have to be 48 hours from the boost in order to get discharged.  The dilemma there is that they won't want to give them to him unless he's under 20, so we get into a limbo area. I have already discussed it with the APN (Adv Practice Nurse), as it is his pattern, so hopefully she will pull some strings and we'll get it.  If yes, then they will probably call the doc for a discharge appt on Wed.  If not, then we will be hanging out longer this week.  We weren't scheduled to go home until the 30th, so we are doing just fine, but it would be nice to go home early.

He experienced some heavy bone pain a couple of days ago (Fri), which was from the growth factor shots stimulating the stem cells.  So he needed some anti-inflammatory and light muscle relaxers, but that is all done now and he was made pretty comfortable, though it was a bit rough going for a while.  He is doing marvelous, but of course, he is fatigued and so on.  But in terms of potential complications of any seriousness, he has had none.  

It finally stopped raining here, it was sunny today for the first time in a week, which was a nice relief.

I'll let you know when we get sprung!
