Home schooling is HARD!

Less than one minute read time.

I've been attempting to home school now for four weeks (it feels like so much longer than that!) and I can tell you its hard work! Kudos in the teachers for organising the live lessons and accompanying work, but does my four year old really need to do phonics, maths and English work Every Single Day???!!!! I remember running around making mud pies at four (some of which I probably tried eating!). Now we have to know what a bloody trigraph is and how to blend words! WTAF??!! Plus on any given day I'm highly likely to have a meltdown because I've realised that I'll never be able to hear Dad's voice again. I'm not sure how I'm managing it to be honest! I have a great husband who helps where he can but I just want to curl up under my duvet and not come out again!
