two hospitals is complicated.

1 minute read time.

Well folks, in the post today I had my next appointment for chemo, at my LOCAL hospital!  The oncologist had insisted that it could be done there, but the staff were not so sure..... as the onc was so sure my specialist nurse tried again, and spoke to the chemo ward sister, and the pharmacy dept.  There was some of the drug in stock, but outdated as it hadn't been used in so long.  Good job I went 'long distance' for the first  treatment.  That was another story altogether.  2.30pm appointment, went in at 4.30, and finished at 6pm (then slipped getting into the wheelchair, so they wouldn't let me out until they were convinced I  was ok.  left at 6.30pm!

My breathing has improved considerably -  I had Shiastu last Tuesday and she concentrated on my chest, and I came out a lot better, and the next day it was fantastic.  The infection has now obvioulsy cleared up as well, so the fluid is now in the stomach cavity and causing discomfort.  I just hope the chemo will drain it off, otherwise I will be back having a drain in.  With changing hospitals, of course, the dates change, so it will be nearly 4 weeks between treatment  so I am hoping it doesn't get too bad before then.

At least I've been out today - some friends collected me and we went to a local garden centre for coffee.  It was nice to get out of the house for a little while.  When I got back there was another friend pulling up, so lots of talking today!  Cancer support group and reflexology tomorrow. so perhaps getting out and about a bit will help as well.
