down hill fast

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Well, I know my cancer is fast growing, but this week has been like going down a steep slide, I have got breathless so fast.  No word from the hospital, but I shall chase them next week as things have gone so quickly here. Last Saturday I walked round the show at Newbury, but this Friday it is as  much as I can do to get up and go to the loo without having to recover afterwards.  My chest  has been so tight, and I have had pains in lots of different places, I just feel cold, and tired  all the time.  Any ideas on how to cope until the hospital think I'm bad enough to treat please let me know.

Than ks



  • FormerMember

    Take the advice from all of us.  Stay strong and positive.

    Will be thinking of you and hope to hear from you on here again soon.

    Love and hugs

    Lynne xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hope you got checked out. Take Care xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your comments. Uunfortunately I have only just found them!!  I  took a stand and we came home sunday morning and went ot my local A&E.  Ended up having my lung drained, but that was only a slight improvement, so have come home today, with the chest team and GM team at my local hospital finally deciding that it is my oncologist's responsibility now, but I have plenty of chest x rays added tomy file.  The trouble is the Oncology unit is 25 miles away, and my guy only comes out to the satellite on Monday - bank holiday last week, and over booked this week but I must try to see him somehow, as though slightly better I can't do anything - but at least I am home.

    further details when I know what is happening.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv,

           I am glad to hear from you as I have been wondering how you are doing. A slight improvement is something but I really hope you can contact your onc soon and be checked over, if only for peace of mind. Have you got a specialist nurse that you can contact with any worries? I have three, one is a macmillan nurse and the other two are hospital specialist nurses. One of them always attends my appointments and I can contact them at any time.

       I hope you feel comfortable even if you haven't got much energy at the moment.

        Take care,

           Love and hugs,

               lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm glad to say I've seen my onc today, and he has come up with another lot of drugs I can take and also suggested I have a plural effusion? (sticking the lungs to the  ribs) to stop any more fluid causing problems.  He actually seemed human and talked about mineral supplements and protein drinks which have never come near a conversation before.  My specialist nurse has been wonderful over the last week, and has been chasing her tail round the hospital for me to get things sorted faster, so she is going to see about the op, and contact the hospice nurse I have to tell her what has been going on.  I'm just relived I haven't come to the end of the treatments avaialable!