back in the old routine, but for how long?

Less than one minute read time.

Well, here I am back at home after my weeks away.  Holiday all but forgotten about after a week with my daughter, doing the school runs for her girls while she is on teaching practice.

It's lovely having time at home, but then the brain starts again - what is that ache in my lower tummy, what about the pain in my side... how do you convince your self the cancer is not back when you are in remission.  Every little pain makes you worry, so not enough sleep to make things worse.

Not enough confidence to go out far or for long on my own, just in case I can't get back home.  The new electric bike helps, at least I get some excercise, and can put the engine on when I get too breathless, but so used to only going out when I need something done, that I find it difficult to realise that now I have time to go out whenever I want to - how do you change the habits of a lifetime to make the most of the time you've got left?

Any advice will be helpful.

Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv,

    Whats all this Voice of Doom business, Your in remission and everytime you get a pain or ache you

    think the Demon is back. Its probably all that cycling on your electric Bike is causing the aches and pains. Enjoy your remission, what will be will be. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv,

    Get out and enjoy that bike but wrap up warm.  You are bound to get aches at this time of year xx  I am having niggles in my tum but I am convinced I am ok.  Wish I was nearer and could come over.  Perhaps one of your neighbours would go out with you until you get a bit more confidence.


    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv, I think we all get times when we wonder about the odd ache and pain its entirely under standable l do it too.

    Take your time on your bike going out a little bit extra each time and build up your confidence. Jan is right have you got some one who could go out with you untill you feel able to go on your own.

    Love Rosie