back home again

1 minute read time.

Well I'm back home again after my hectic week away, starting with our WA picnic, then 5 days with my daughter and 2 grandaughters, then the drive back home.  I hadn't realised (and I suppose I should have) that driving distances after nearly 2 years of only doing local driving would be very tiring. I think I'm over that now, and getting back to normal, (though my daughter came down yesterday and we had the afternoon out with them).  Next week is my check up, after 2 months, and I have a feeling that he is going to say things are not going well.  My body doesn't seem to want to work properly (if you get me meaning), and I have aches and pains I don't want. Is it just recovering still, I hope so, but deep down I'm getting very worried.  We still have so much we want to do, and had planned our long trip to Europe for September when it is a bit quieter.... I've told my husband not to book the ferry until after monday, which was rather a shock to him, but I have never hidden anything from him.  Today I see my GP just to checkout my aches and pains in my joints.  Does chemo make your joints ache?  The tingling in my hands and feet seems to be getting worse not better, and my eye sight is also bad now, so I'm having my eyes tested next week.  My body feels like it is falling apart, and I thought I would be feeling better after 8 weeks.  Perhaps I've overdone it recently, but I did take things gently, and was sensible.  perhpas I just need the onc to say - all clear on MOnday and I will feel better then.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Greybadger,

    By the sound of it you have over done things a tad.

    Or as you say it could be the stress of waiting for the check up. Either way dont start thinking negative thoughts until you see your consultant. The

    best of luck today with your Dr. Kick those negative thoughts into touch. All the best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Greybadger,

    Think you have been overdoing things.  Just being with grandchildren is tiring and certainly a long drive does not help.  We had a long drive - and I was just the passenger and found it exhausting.  My eyesight has got worse too - but perhaps it comes back after chemo finishes.

    Keep you chin up.  Waiting for information is the worst part x

    Hugs and love,

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Greybadger,I have just finished my chemo and my eyesight has gone terrible also I think any ache or pain we get  we think oh no whats up now !  I think its just our body telling us to rest a bit more so i try not to worry but it isn't easy some time.Hope all is well, Best wishes  Sue  xx

  • FormerMember

    just back from the doctor - she thinks I may have an infection in my hip!!  Doesn't want to give me antibiotics, so paracetmol and pain relieving  cream, and if it doesn't improve, have an injection in it.

    At least it isn't cancer related - is it?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv,

           I'm sure it was lovely spending time with your family, I would have done the same, but I think you need a bit of rest and relaxation for a few days. I also think that you are suffering from "remission jitters". When I have been in remission, although it is the result I wanted, it feels like the safety net has been taken away and anxieties start creeping in. Your body probably needs more time to recover from the chemo and yes, it does cause joint pain !.

    I really hope your doctor has positive news on Monday and will be keeping everything crossed'

              Take care,

                 Lots of love,

                     lizzie xx