Great news

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I havent blogged for ages, last time I came on I wrote a post and it disappeared and I really could not be bothered to write it all again!! So things have been going very well for me as always. The cancer is still under control, I am still just on Herceptin and the best bit of all is I am FINALLY getting my breast reconstruction tomorrow!! I decided on the advice of some very special people in my life to give it one more try and it definately paid off. I am going in at 7am tomorrow and at some point during the day will be having an expander implant put in to start the reconstruction process off. It wont be an immediate result but considering the position I am in it was the best and safest option for me.  So my message to all of you in Macland is never ever give up on yourself or the things you want...that determination might just get you exactly what you want and deserve!! Hope you are all doing well and I will try to keep you posted of my progress.

Love to you all

Chrissi x

  • FormerMember

    bless you,good luck xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissi,

                Have only just read your post so I hope everything went well. I am so glad that things are good for you and wish you all the very best.

                 Take care,

                     Love lizzie xx

  • Hope all went well. Do let us know how you got on.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissi

    So glad to see you back on the site and to hear your good news re your breast reconstruction.I have only just logged on and read about your news.I don't use the site that much these days as there are a couple of other sites I have discovered one being "Secondary Support" which is especially for those of us with a sec dx and I have met some lovely ladies on there and discussed alot of issues.Check us out sometime when you are up to it.

    Hope you are feeling ok following your surgery.I remember having the expander fitted and thinking "oh no is that it"!!!! but within a few months it started to take shape so hang in there.It will be worth it in the end.

    Things for me are quite mixed but I will PM you with the details.Anyway sending lots of love and hugs my friend,

    Take good care Tracy xxxx