Great news

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I havent blogged for ages, last time I came on I wrote a post and it disappeared and I really could not be bothered to write it all again!! So things have been going very well for me as always. The cancer is still under control, I am still just on Herceptin and the best bit of all is I am FINALLY getting my breast reconstruction tomorrow!! I decided on the advice of some very special people in my life to give it one more try and it definately paid off. I am going in at 7am tomorrow and at some point during the day will be having an expander implant put in to start the reconstruction process off. It wont be an immediate result but considering the position I am in it was the best and safest option for me.  So my message to all of you in Macland is never ever give up on yourself or the things you want...that determination might just get you exactly what you want and deserve!! Hope you are all doing well and I will try to keep you posted of my progress.

Love to you all

Chrissi x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissi, great to hear from you.

    I'm so pleased things are still going well for you.

    Good luck with the op tomorrow. Just remember to keep us all updated on your progress.

    Will be thinking of you.

    Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Good Luck Chrissi

    I hope all go's as planned.

    Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Chrissi, fantastic news!  I shall  be thinking of  you tomorrow - how exciting!  You really are moving on with your life in spite of cancer - YOU GO GIRL!  I too am waiting for recon. but it seems to be taking a long time.  I said I wanted recon. way back in March, but still no news (I am having a DIEP).  Hopefully, I'll take some of your strength with me when its my turn.  I'm having it done at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford and am told the hospital is a good one.  Anyway, hope you've treated yourself to some nice pjs, I am so loking forward to hearing of your next stage.  God bless, good luck.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissi,

    Great to see you back on the site. All the very best for tomorrow. Good Luck I will be thinking of you.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissi

    All the best for tomorrow

    love to you

    Love Janicexxx