The rest of Cycle 2 and the start of the dreaded cycle 3

2 minute read time.

Well bloggers it’s been a while since I blogged, sorry!

When I left you I was at day 10 of cycle 3. Happy to report that the rest of cycle 2 was pretty unremarkable, in fact, I would go as far as to say easy. I felt fine and dandy! Only slight blip was a slight infection around where the cannnula was put in and that was quickly sorted with some cream from the chemo nurses. No more hair loss either! 

So there I was, day 20 again and ready for the dexemethesone. I was slightly apprehensive about cycle 3 because everywhere you read people say it’s the worst one. I’d had my bloods done the day before (day 19) took the Dex, as instructed at 2:30am. It has to be 12 hours before. I did actually get back to sleep, thankfully. 

On the day I took my dex, as before, at 3 hours before and 1 hour before and arrived promptly for my appointment at 2:30. One thing I will say about chemo, you do meet some nice people in the room and because you’re all on a cycle,  often it’s the same people. I chatted to a nice lady called Margaret, who has breast cancer, sadly she’d done less favourably on the hair front, but told me she’d bought a nice wig, which she promptly pulled out of her handbag to show me! 

The checks all done and cannula nicely and easily inserted we were off! 

I asked the nurse for my PSA result and rather annoyingly it had risen, all that hard work and the bugger had gone from 0.47 pre chemo to 1.59, what the hell! The nurse said it was perfectly normal and that a lot of men experienced an upward tick in the first 6 weeks. Still disappointing and I left the hospital feeling rather deflated. 

Night 0 and day 1 - night zero one hour sleep, the normal dex rush kicking in! Day 1, now usually I’m hyper and don’t feel any effects of the chemo. Not this time, flat on my back, it had kicked in straight away. I managed to potter about the house and was in bed by 7.

Days 2-5 Much the same, lots of groin and pelvic pain, tired, tired and tired! 

Day 6 I turned a corner - it was also the appointment with my oncologist. He confirmed the spike in my PSA was nothing to worry about. In fact he was so unworried he barely wanted to pass the time of day discussing it. I do hope he’s right! I have another PSA at the start of the next cycle, so we’ll see!

He also signed me up for my 4 weeks of radiotherapy which will follow the chemo and hopefully should be in November.

Days 7-9 feeling better but more groin and pelvic pain and a little nauseous, but generally ok. Helped by regular paracetamol. 

Well has cycle 3 been worse? Well yes for me it has, but still manageable.

Onwards and upwards! 

  • Hi

    Glad you’ve turned a corner. I spoke too soon, Friday afternoon husband came downstairs from working about 5 ish and said he was completely drained and no energy. I suggested a nap and to rest which helped and he’s been doing this every afternoon since apart from yesterday as our daughters were here for the weekend. He’s back to work today.

    He’s also been suffering from back and pelvic pain so has been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen after meals occasionally. It helped knowing that you found cycle 3 more challenging so I didn’t panic as much. Thank you once again for sharing your journey and good luck on cycle 4.

  • Hi Gill, sorry to hear that. I think it hits you when you least expect it! We managed to get away for a few days to the Peak District, last week, but I have been feeling quite up and down. Quite breathless and bad heartburn. The first 2 cycles I haven’t had any problems on a week 3. But the 3rd cycle has definitely been more challenging. Had my blood tests today ready for cycle 4 which goes in tomorrow! 

    Probably write the next blog instalment at the weekend. Hope hubby manages the rest of cycle 3 ok! Take care, Grant x