goodbye mal

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today i said goodbye to my dear friend Mal. With sadness and a heavy heart i bid him farewell. Mal was a part of so many peoples lives and he showed me that no matter your age you can always do with one more friend. I am filled with so much sadness for the friend i cannot replace. i recieved the news of his death before christmass and today we buried him . goodbye did not seem good enough and i am left feeling sad and lost.

What am i to do? i am carer for my terminally ill mum (last stages of bowel cancer) and i feel out of my depth. I am scared of letting her down. infact iam just plain old scared. i have four strong brothers who could help out but choose not too. when does the pain stop???? am i selfish???? or have i just got the New Year blues????


  • Hi Twinkletoes 

    I am so sorry you have lost such a dear friend and I do not believe you are being selfish.

    At the moment you are dealing with the loss of someone special to you whilst dealing with what is and the anticipation of what is to come more that enough for anyone and no wonder you feel scared.

    It always seems in my experience that caring for someone seems to fall onto one person and it is one of the hardest things and I doubt you are letting anyone down you can only do your best and it seems that you are no one can ask more.

    As a carer you too need support have you tried the Mac help line I am sure they can give you good advice and support. Do you have a good GP who you could talk to and maybe access some counselling to help you through 

    sending you a big hug 

    Scraton xxx