Good days, bad days

2 minute read time.

Yesterday, as some of you have read, was a bad day in general. Really ended up feeling I am living a life on my own. And what with insensitive aliens, grey wet weather etc etc felt really down. Self-pity - ah, I hate it. Couldn't settle so stayed up far too late. Ended up watching a repeat of The Choir. Was tired anyway, so why do I start watching TV about 11pm!!! Then there was a cheesy film with a baby-faced Kevin Costner, so an old film then. Ugh. Finally went to bed about 3pm. How stupid am I.

But today was a new day. Walked the dog early and met a dog-walking friend in the park. The sun was shining and the dogs played and life seemed a bit better. Bumped into kindly, friendly people. Taught my class. Again, lovely, thoughtful, kindly people who are standing by me. As it was 1st Nov thought I should go to D's grave for All Souls Day and took some lovely new roses. The grave looks lovely now, and I stood very quietly at its foot, just thinking, for quite a while and talking to him. Telling him, 'This was not meant to happen, was it.' And telling him how much I missed him and I would always love him.  Felt very sad, and the tears very close. And the sun came out and I stood in its warmth, and soppy old thing that I am, I took comfort from that and felt my D was smiling at me.

When I got home, the post had arrived and there was a big envelope with some lovely cards and a really kind letter from some chums of D's in France. So very honest, so very kind, so very moving and it was just what I needed, to hear from others what of course I know - that he was a lovely man, and it was a privilege to have known him. Phew.

So I smiled and smiled some more and went in the garden and stood to watch the tress in their autumn colours, and felt D was with me. It often feels like that in the garden.

Then I had to saw up a piece of chipboard to get a piece just the right side. Started and was making a right hash, Thought, what would D do? So I did the sawing out on the step and was talking away to D. (OK - I am right off my head. I don't care.) And I did it. I said that to D., too. "Look D, I did it. I've done it!!!' And I smiled some more.

So - good days, bad days. something to share with my Mac chums who get me through the pain, the deep sadness and the loneliness. Thank you, all.

Little Jen X


  • FormerMember

    Polish, polish.....

    Wow, I am envious of the stained glass workshop and I'll whisper a secret into your ear... I was a lumberjack once upon a time and have a chain saw licence... :) so, maybe you might want to do it... good stress relief and very dangerous

    And you will show em and you will get up there and show em... just that some days you need a little rest from all that showing em how it is and when you need that rest, I'm here to give you a cuddle (and a drink and fag if I'm really naughty) and armour polishing of course

    Bug hugs to you

    LM xxxxx