Day 1

Less than one minute read time.

So today I finally got round to opening my post. I make this sound like I have some kind of jetset lifestyle and not the honest truth of when I get home from work my two border collies jump on me to let them out and the post is swiftly forgotten.

I had a lovely unexpected envelope from Macmillan with my sober heroes badge inside. How appropriate on the first day of my challenge. 

Safe to say having had my work hours changed to tomorrow as well as still having a cold and running a brownie unit last night wine was pretty tempting. Luckily I managed to not crack on day one! 

My next challenge is to drum up some more sponsorship and sort out the cash donation form for all my old school friends. By my current £10 achievement you would never guess that I have been fundraising for Macmillan for the last 3 years. When it rains it pours so I am sure the donations will be flooding in soon enough. 

If you feel able to donate and help me justify my sober lifestyle simply go to 

Thank you and see you on Day 2! 

  • FormerMember

    Best of luck Aphra, I haven't seen one of these badges yet... do post a pic if you have some time :)

    Looking forward to following the journey on your blog 

    Best wishes
