just been diagnosed !

2 minute read time.

Hiya , after reading this site I thought wow what a great idea , write down my journey and hopefully get advice. So here begins ! I was on holiday in Bakewell after celebrating my 50th and silver wedding in Oct . On the 12th i got up, was ok to start with then felt like i was a bit giddy then my left eye started flickering and luckily after that I can not remember ! Ant ( hubby ) said that i felt sick, luckily i went to the loo in our tourer , I then came out and said I had a pain behind my eye, he told me to sit down but i just kept going and started fitting, must of been so scarey for him, he phoned 999 , the ambulance came and I then fitted again in there, I was took to Chesterfield hospital where i fitted again in A&E. I still can not remember any of this but I was then took for a scan which showed a swelling on my brain ( yep they found a brain, lol ) I was put on anti fit pill's & steroids and told it was a tumour. Chesterfield are linked with Sheffield for treatment but I told them I wanted any further treatment at Nottingham as that is where im from, I was sent home on the Tues. On the sun I had to go to QMC  for blood tests, another scan and pre addmisson stuff, then on Monday had op to remove the tumour, while i was still under they did a biopsy on it, felt sorry for the people who had to do this as I have worked on there for 18 year's, must of been hard for them. I came through the op ok ,no side effects which i was dreading, just at times my vision is a bit like looking through fog, had 23 staples in my head, pissed off because i cant see it lol but i got Ant to take a photo, lol. Discharged on wendsday yippee then treatment is at city hospital as that is where the cancer unit is. I have to have 6 week's of radiotherepy and tablet chemo but this is just to try and kick the bugger back a bit as I have been told on average I have maybe 1 to 2 year's if im lucky. I  have had a full mask made ready for the radiotherepy and i must admit i found it very interesting, how they do it, i will add another post on that . I have to go back on Tues for a CT scan ,the fitting of the mask and to set the machine up, I must admit im not lokking forward to it as i have to be face down for it. Because this has all came out of the blue, I have had no symptons until the fit's , it just feel's like im talking about someone else, I  have a dark sence of humour so have upset people, but I would rather be straight to the point and not pussyfoot around ! If they dont like it bloody tough ! Like my mate who did the biopsy said to me after he asked how i was, I replyed im dying he said no Deb, your living ! and im am !
