1 minute read time.
A year ago I was diagnosed with a rare sarcoma on my thumb, very strange, just split up with my husband of over 20 years so really not what I needed, but fast forward 12 months and the demon has made its way through my body to under my arm and has set up home in my lymph nodes, It has tried to hide there for a few weeks but fortunately a little ultrasound scanner seemed out and found the demon, well now it has been found the surgeons want to remove the demon for good hence an operation, of that I am really not sure, my daughter has just moved out into her own property this week, there is no way the demon will be asking her to come back to look after me , so I better find the strength to survive on my own, With no other family apart from my son and daughter, both grown up , both with their own lives I guess it's just you and me blog left to fight this, I have been told to expect to take at least four weeks off work , fantastic wonder who is going to pay the bills when I am at home watching daytime tv, yet another hurdle , I have not had my CT scan yet so the demon may have many homes with my being, wait til next week until I find out, but I have to look on the positive side and hope not, I could not afford him to set up more than one home anyway, I have tried alcohol to get rid of him but have found out that he does not mind a bottle of wine if only the head could say the same thing, may try once more on that one just incase , I will let u know tomorrow if it works , I am keeping my fingers crossed , well I will after I finish writing this !!!!!!
  • FormerMember

    Blog away - in fact I'm wondering if I can blog too much !! But saves you from daytime tv ..I'm posting too much on facebook too - maybe get an eviction notice.My mum always said better out than in ...that never reasures me when i feel sick tho lol ...

    Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts : ) xx