Told You !! Getting Really Pi**ed Off Now So Stop Asking !!!

4 minute read time.

Hi Laura and James,

I do understand you are working hard to resolve our issues, and at this stage not getting a lot of thanks from us the members. I say understand not saying I am sorry !! - you are the only visible faces we can post to.

While I understand your efforts, with long days and sleepless nights I have far less concerns about that than the fact someone who may of just received a diagnosis of cancer has turned to the site and instead of being welcomed, reassured and pointed in the direction where they can seek help, support and feedback from others who understand their Cancer, treatment and fears have been left to flounder alone and lost.

I keep hearing things about the new improved site, OK a couple of definitions, if it’s new - it’s new - not improved!! If it’s improved, great but then it’s not new!! Mac can not have it both ways; the sad thing is it is neither. It is Flashy and is a tribute to the Internet coding for appearance. It is also slow and clunky and totally unusable at the speed it is working. But speed is only one aspect of why we find it difficult if not impossible to use.

Recently Admin put forward a blog asking for 'Community Champions' along with 14 other people I offered to take up this role. I did not do it for the title or kudos, there was none. So why take on this role,  well along with the others I wanted to make sure than no blog went unanswered, even if not having the relevant knowledge I would be able to point them to the information or groups who did and just to let them know someone was listening and actually understood.

The reason I offered was to repay some of the help, confidence and even love I was offered when I was at my lowest ebb. I had been in a dark lonely place after being told my cancer was inoperable but by giving up several male characteristics and abilities my life could be extended by some years, some choice huh ??  This was an important point in my life. The confidence and hope I was given by this site and friends I made on Chat gave me a hope and a will to review what was important and I went for the life option.

So maybe from personal experience I can say this site can be a matter of life or death at times in a cancer patients life and I am just not sure how anyone associated with this charity, in any sort of control role can take the risk of turning their backs on even one person at the most venerable time in their lives.

The New Site is Flashy but unworkable, it should never have been implemented without a large scale user trial. The time to correct the problems was before not after change over We were asked what we wanted before the site was introduce and these need have been ignored.

One of the most fundament aspects of the previous Mac Site was the Community Spirit, Mutual Support, a Family of Members looking out for each other, offering a Social network, wanting and needing to know about others tests and results, symptoms and sadly even losses of Family Members.

I am not even going to discuss the fiasco that passes for a chat room, total rubbish and just not fit for purpose !!

Simple but fundament question, If one of my friends looses a partner, parent,  child or relative will I even know or get a chance to convey my feeling, condolences  or emotions ?

I do not want the earth honest, I want a home page to see how and what my friends are doing, I want a chat room that works and I want to be able to post to new members welcoming them to the site, confident that my post will appear. I also want a site that works in a constant, speedy manner.

I am not going to apologise if this seems a sad angry blog with me ranting and spitting my dummy - that’s because I am all of those things and a lot more too but unfair to load all my feeling onto the two admin people who I understand are working hard but to them it must seem like nailing jelly to the ceiling !! Thanks for Your efforts but its not enough Laura and James.


Lost Totally Pi **ed Off and Disillusioned





  • FormerMember

    To everyone who has participated in this blog and comments:

    Firstly, thank you for taking the time to share your feelings. I understand that this is a horrible time for many and that the disruption in the service this week has caused a lot of upset and anger.

    I'd like you to know that getting this site back on its feet is an urgent priority, at the highest level. I know it's taking a long time but there is a large group of people here working flat-out to discover the root of the problem. 

    To answer one of your points, this new site was tested thoroughly over many weeks. The one thing we could not test was what the impact would be of thousands of people on the site. The fact we failed to foresee this is something I can only apologise for. 

    As soon as we've been able to fix the speed of the site, it will become a lot easier for you to find the places you need and participate in the site the way you'd expect. 

    Then we'll be able to address your other concerns. 

    We've already found a fix for the friends activity issue, but we cannot deploy this until the site performance has improved. The same applies for other fixes we have made. 

    Christie - in answer to your problem, you mistakenly created a new blog rather than a new blog post. That's why you got the message about the word limit. To create a new blog post in your old blog, all you need to do is click on 'My account' then 'blog posts' by clicking into one of your old posts you'll see the link to 'create new blog post' on the right hand side. 

    I am committed to helping everyone through this period of change, so if you need any help using the site or would like to find particular forums/groups or blogs please let me know and I'll be in touch with an answer as soon as I can. 

    Best Wishes,


    Online Community Manager

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your assistance Laura, I will give it a go.

    Thank your for your kind wishes also Ems and Rose.

    Love, Christine xx

  • The thing that concerns me most is that we can't identify and welcome new members. It seems that you can't comment on a 'discussion' unless you are a member of the respective group. I tried to comment on a discussion about melanoma and was greeted by the words that amounted to no access was allowed. So does this mean, as John said, the Community Champions whose 'mission' was to particularly welcome new members and to make sure all posts were answered, will now have to join EVERY group? Try doing the job with one hand tied behind your back or what!


  • FormerMember


    Thanks for your message - much appreciated.

    All you need to do to see new member is to go on your homepage. The default view is 'Activity feed' on here is displayed every new arrival to the site. You can see older items by clicking on the 'show more' button at the bottom of the page. 

    The most popular and generic discussions on the site are in groups you do not need to be a member of in order to participate. You can tell these 'joinless groups' because there is no 'join' button listed beside them. 

    You're absolutely right that we need to take a close look at how the new site works in relation to Community Champions and the fantastic work they (you!) do. I'm sure that we'll be able to find solution whereby it's not necessary for CCs to join every group. Goes without saying that we intend to involve you fully in these discussions and we will find an answer that suits us all. 

    Very Best Wishes,
