Diet Day 2

1 minute read time.

Another good day, too early to be due to my diet attempts.  I'm doing Chinese bone breathing and visualisation as well, as advised by Professor Gearin-Tosh. 

Saw my GP today to get him up-to-date since my oncology visits.  He spent more time gazing into his computer screen than looking at me, in order to find answers to some of my questions.  At least that sign outside his door about appointments for 10 minutes and one symptom only has gone!  I met the practice manager while I waited and she was charming.  She really is trying to get the practice to be as patient-friendly as possible.  Interference from the D of H is less now she says. 

My fruit today includes fresh apple, fresh banana, grapes and clementine and grapefruit juice.  Apparently I may have to stop the latter (grapefruit) when I start on abiraterone.  I am also cutting out sucrose sugar as far as possible so that while my wife has choc eclairs I have fruit as dessert.

My energy levels have been up recently, again not yet due to the diet.  I hope this continues.  However, walking to the surgery and around the village without crutches showed that my legs have become weak and I must build them up gradually.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Marian,

    I will be sharing some of my readings with you as I have bookshelves in my office with volumes of good ideas.

    Have you read Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela?  He was a very remarkable man, who overcame racial predjudice and his own very long prison sentence for armed protest, to become the great peacemaker between the races in South Africa.  I have many books about alternative medicine and healing that I bought many years ago.  They have shaped my attitudes to many things including medicine.

    Enjoy your walk if it is not raining today.