I would like to introduce myself, Hi my name is Gary i'm 50, and basically i have a squatter we've named Terry the tumour!!!!!!

11 minute read time.

14th September 2021.

During working my late shift, i lost all feeling and strength in my right leg. no pain just as though my leg was turned off. 999 was called by security and i was taken to Northampton general. Discharged early morning, to go and see my GP for followup scans. I must point out i live in worcestershire, travel to northamptonshire 5 days a week for my job.

15th September 2021

Face to face appointment with my GP who suggested i had a CT scan, possible T.I.A

17th September 2021

Chased GP to see when my CT scan was booked. Given T.I.A clinic number to chase. Was told that the CT scan was rejected due to some consultant who misread my notes and said it was a DVT and needs to be referred back to my GP.

GP informed and between them came up with a DVT possible cause. Blood test requested.

20th September 2021 

Blood test carried out.

22nd September 2021

Blood test results came back all ok

CT scan booked for the 4th October 2021

27th September 2021

In the mean time Paramedics called as i became weaker in my right leg and fell over twice. Buzzing sensation in my groin and right butt cheek. Paramedics said speak to your GP in the morning.

28th September 2021

Spoke to GP over the phone who said we can see if theres any damage during the scan on the 4th.

3rd October 2021

Rushed into Redditch Hospital after i lost all feeling in my right side.

Within 5 mins arriving i was in a CT scanner, scared as i was completely paralyzed down my right side.

back in A&E ward, a doctor and a nurse came in and gave me devastating news. you have a brain tumour.

Taken to an AMU ward for the next 3 days.

6th October 2021

Moved to a side room on ward 11,

steroids starting to work, slowly feeling sensation in both right arm and leg

Sent off for my MRI, i fell asleep half way through. Coventry University hospital were controlling what imagery was requested.

Several CT scans and MRI's later, they decide to hold the MDT meeting only to be told lack of information. meeting put back a week later.

13th October 2021

Discharged back home and to wait for my MDT plan to be put together.

29th October 2021

MRI Scan at Coventry University Hospital

4th November 2021 

Consultant: Mr Hussein El-Maghraby.

Consultant appointment, was give the news, Glioblastoma multiforme brain tumour. to which i have now named Terry the tumour.

well that went well . we were told of 3 ways to deal with it via my care plan. i didn't like any of the options but was told those were the only ones. So i decided to go for the extended warranty package. 

5th November 2021

Pre op assessment carried out at Coventry University  hospital

13th November 2021

MRI Scan booked, the last one before surgery carried out ot Coventry University hospital

"all checked into hotel, as of norm 3am body clock wake up. Stealth MRI today. Consultant said this scan will be used for the computer to aid him to debulk Terry, who has been now upgraded to Terry the Bast**d, as he was playing up yesterday.  i won't lie, feeling a little scared with every passing second building up to my surgery, i know i shouldn't but i am. I will continue to update this blog day by day, look back and say "silly boy".

Back home. Stealth MRI completed ready for Tuesday. Had a little melt down outside during drive through COVID test at the hospital,  due to no fault to me. We had a little madam in charge. I needed to hand in another test sample. She wouldn't help me at all, this overwhelmed me and I struggled to comprehend the situation. Once Emma calmed me down. She took the sample to pathology. Only once we found out from someone else. Jobs worth.....

Settling down ready for some sleep now. Sleeping 

Knowing that I will be up and about at 3am again.

Live for today, Dream about tomorrow and hope for the future.

15th November 2021

Sat bolt up in bed, thats me i'm wide awake, even though i had a sleeping tablet. Clock shows 3am.

Well its finally arrived the day before surgery, my bags packed our friends will be picking me up and driving to Coventry University Hospital later for a 2pm check in.

normally at 3am im on Youtube, Netflix ect, ect but today i'm not feeling it. My head for once is clear and not fuzzy, i can actually see past the 16th for a change. I will catch up later.

Finally hospital called to say they have a bed ready now for me.

Arrived at 5 pm went and had a drink at the street food restaurant. Arrived on ward and settled down for the evening.

I cant tell you or put into words how im feeling at this moment in time. My mind is all over the place. Lets see if a little sleep will do the trick.

Live for today, Dream about tomorrow and hope for the future.

16th November 2021

Wide awake at 3am the usual thing. Nil by mouth from 2am so sips of water until 6am. Sat chatting with the ward nurse feeling a little anxious is an understatement.

this helped not only my mind, but it helped calm me down in general. From 7am though i had visits from all departments to check in on me and prep me for theater. 

8.30 came and that was it. I was trollied down to theater. My journey began, and to be honest it was one of the best parts of the day. All the staff involved explained 

everything they were doing and what was going to happen. A few sniffs of gas and that was it. The next thing i can remember is awaking in the room i was put under

chatting to my consultant who said he managed to remove 90% of the bulk. He wanted a CT scan of my head before i went to recovery.

Two hours later i was down on the AMU ward where i stayed there for 3 days.

Side effects i've now got since surgery, right arm has reduced power, perception and coordination of my right side of the body, right leg is numb from the waist down,

right side in general feels numb to be honest, taste.

I know that it was explained to me but you always think they always say it. well listen because they don't tell lies.

Time to heal and rest, oh i forgot to mention the headache from hell  once the general starts to wear off. Take the paracetamol it helps and works.

Surgery booked in for craniotomy for debulking and biopsy

19th November 2021

MRI scan carried out, biopsy sent off to Birmingham, hopefully should have results for my MDT meeting next week of its put back for 7 days. Moved to NECU ward for recovery 

to begin.

22nd November 2021

First of many physio visits i hope. My movement down my right side is as feared, worse than we hoped for. The numbness down my right side hasn't improved since surgery.

even though the amount of steroids used to ease the swelling of my brain may be effecting the recovery process. They are reducing the amount as of tomorrow. Lets see if that works.

I can transfer from my bed to my chair using what i can only describe as a medieval contraption, it works and i'm out of bed so we will leave it there. I could only manage 3 steps on a walker

today i've no power down my leg at all. It was upsetting for me. Unless i can improve this my quality of life will be truly effected. The power in my right arm has improved this i would say

is down to me, as i am continuing to do seat push ups every 10 mins im sitting in the chair, yes its only one rep but now i can push my self up from a seated position. Coordination in the

right arm isn't 100% far from it, i would rate it the same as when i was in Redditch hospital pre diagnosis, unable to write and hold a pen. I'm currently working on a plan with that.

With regards to my right dead leg? they want to fit splints to the ankle so i don't get droop foot. this will assist in my progress moving forward. i can only hope. Sorry if this has come across a

little broken and all over the place this is due to the amount of drugs im on. Well that's the excuse and i'm sticking to it.

23rd November 2021

Not a lot happened today, took a boat load of tablets in the morning spoke to the imaginary friends around me, they have started to reduce my steroid intake at last.

still no movement in my right leg below the knee. very little from hip down. Standing up on the Rotinda is becoming easier each time i use it. days are long and lonely. its hard but i have 

goals i need to achieve.

24th November 2021

Moved me from NEKU ward to a standard ward. All lines and pipes removed. My family of 4 has now been increased to 6 some i would say are long timers. no one has spoken to me at all 

i tried to make first contact, their loss.


25th November 2021

Slept a little better last night. i was washed and changed by 7am. tried my leg exercises still no movement. im not giving up will try again in a hour. 

Just been informed we have a meeting this monday morning at 8.30am. Biopsy results and treatment plan after the MDT meeting. A little nervous is an understatement. 


26th November 2021

Sleep last night was not happening, i would wake not knowing where i was. seemed never ending too.

Leg still has no movement, standing on the right leg feels strange but its not stopping me.

The atmosphere on the ward today felt different. not a good day really. Dex steroids still being reduced. Starting to feel better in myself.

Staples out, dressing changed, that was a strange feeling. quite a small scare actually.


27th November 2021

Slept very well last night so hopefully the steroids are at a good level. two more reductions and that's that.

had both sets of steroids today non of my friends turned up to chat to me today so looking good so far.

Had my first shower today it felt fab. No more bed or sink baths.

28th November 2021

Sleep what sleep don't know what happened last night. woke in a panic steroids seem to give me night panics when i sleep. when i wake up, i can't remember 

going to sleep in that room. its really weird to explain. Plus ive my biopsy results in the morning, MDT meeting at 8.30am.

29th November 2021

Nice surprise this morning, both Emma and my sister were allowed into the MTD meeting. good really as i had to have my morning tablets so my head was 

starting to buzz lol. Well the news we received wasn't  what we were hoping for.

GBM stage 4

was advised nearly 90% was removed and the consultant was happy with what was done, scans before and after show no other damage or very little damage 

was done to surrounding tissue. i've a meeting with a professor Brown this Thursday regarding radiotherapy. So it looks like they want to start treatment straight away.

with Chemo. Spending some time with Emma and Sis before i go back to my ward. Rest of the day was very strange, still hasn't really sunk in and probably wont for 

a while. Rachel our support nurse, shes done more in a day for us than another department. i've had physio and starting to walk again with the right equipment.

at this rate i will be home by the weekend.

I'm missing my family now, isolation and weeks away from them. just want to go home now.

30th November 2021

Today is a strange day, a day to reflect on the biopsy results, time to get my thoughts and mind set on a goal and bang here comes the steroids there's my day sorted 

for me. lol. Not too bad the levels are coming down as they said they would. problem is that the sweats are back, a small price to pay. Spoke to my family made my


1st December 2021

Woke at 6am thats a first for me. slept well feel good too. had a good day, alot was done regarding discharge. 

2nd December 2021

Back to 3-4 hours sleep. Probably brain running at full speed as its my care pack meeting today. Reduced steroids again the levels are coming down nicely.

Meeting with Professor Brown went really well, lots of info to take in, explained everything more than once the possible outcomes.

back to the ward, brain still on overdrive and into the early hours,

3rd December 2021

3-4 hours sleep, still a few hour before sunrise. Fed, showered and then stare at the four walls nod off in the chair and repeat lol.
