Major Panic!

1 minute read time.
At work. Worked all morning. Lunch time. Suddenly realise that I haven't heard anything about the CT scan I had yesterday. Starting to worry. My boyfriend is a radiographer and knows the person that was due to report on my scan. Why hasn't he phoned me yet? I figure that may be it's bad news and so he doesn't want to tell me whilst I'm at work because then I'll really worry. But I'm really worried now anyway because I haven't heard anything yet. Phone call. It's him (my boyfriend). I said "Well?" "It's complicated" he replied. "What do you mean?" I asked. "JUST TELL ME. HAS IT SPREAD OR NOT?" I screamed at him. "There's something on your liver that shouldn't be there" he said. "99% that it's a cyst but we won't know for sure until we ultrasound it". As soon as I heard the word 'cyst' I panicked. A week and a half ago, another doctor thought my breast tumour was a cyst. In fact he was so convinced that he referred me to the radiologist who ended up inserting a needle into it to try and drain it. It was only when nothing was, er, draining out of it that she said "Oh, nothing is draining. It doesn't appear to be a cyst. OK, we'll give you a core biopsy". So that was it. No more chances. Needed a test to verify properly, because now I don't trust anyone unless there's a test to back it up. Back to hospital. Top clothes off. Gown on. Laying on bed. Jelly on my stomach. Two doctors present. One scanning. One looking at the screen. After what seemed to be the longest couple of minutes in the world I heard "Yep, definitely a cyst". That was it. 3 hours went by between the phone call and the result but Jesus! Like I needed something else to worry about. The stress. My head. My shoulders. Too much. Too much... Home now. Exhausted. Need to rest. Sooooo tired....
  • How traumatic for you.

    Thank goodness there was a happy ending.

    Hope you sleep well,

    Sue x x x

  • FormerMember

    hi my name is Molly i am going through the same nightmare ,i have 2 young children and worried sick about me and their future . I have a 2.6 tumer and 1 node affected starting chemo on the 14th sept and like you worried about coping with finances and looking after children . My little boy starts school on the same day as my 1st chemo session .  You are not alone stay strong and we will get thru this x