Horrendous Morning. Horrendous.

5 minute read time.

It started last night. My hair started to come out. I know I'm usually very descriptive, but not about this bit. So we'll just say 'body' hair. My hair has always been extremely precious and I suddenly find myself incredibly shy about the whole subject. It came completely out of the blue. Body hair coming out before head hair. Totally unexpected. It hadn't occurred to me that it would happen in that order. Tried to tell myself that it's ok. I haven't really got an issue with my body hair coming out. So I tried to tell myself that I could therefore cope with it. It worked for about 10 seconds. It's not the body hair. It's what it leads to. What it means. It means that the hair on my head will be next. I burst into tears. Started panicking. I just kept thinking about my head hair. It will follow. Soon. 

I have been told that just before the hair falls out, the scalp goes all 'tingly'. So far, my head has been 'itchy' but not tingly. Until yesterday afternoon. Weird sensation all over my head. The slightest touch, or 'stroke' causes a kind of 'prickly' feeling. Imagine a cat's fur up on end. It's the most bizarre feeling. Just more corroboration that it's going to fall out.

All evening, I'm terribly upset. Usually I can keep it in, when my kids are around. But last night, I was inconsolable. Boyfriend's arm around me. My head buried into his neck. Sobbing. My kids saw. I'm not proud of this. I'm mortified actually. As far as they're concerned, I've been 'sailing' through this pretty well. But last night. I just couldn't hold it in. Everything I've done to prepare for this particular side effect seems to be valueless right now.

I've had my hair cut from half way down my back to a short back and sides with a longish, floppy fringe thing. This I did to prepare. I bought a wig. To prepare.  Ordered headscarves, which arrived this week. All to prepare. It doesn't matter though. None of it matters. None of it means I can escape finding hair on my pillow in the morning, or finding handfuls of it wrapped in my fingers. So now my 'short' haircut, is suddenly too long. I can run my fingers through the my hair. That means it's too long. "Why don't I shave it for you?" suggests my boyfriend. "NO" I yell before he's even finished the sentence. "NO. I can't cope with that". More crying. Thinking.

May be I could go really short. Not shave it, but like a Grade 4 or something...

"May be I could do a Grade 4 on the clippers" I repeat out loud. "OK" he said. "MAYBE" I said.

Need to think about this more. Can't decide. Can't decide. Don't know if I'm brave enough. 

Woke up this morning. Head feeling very 'prickly' still. Had slept in a head scarf just in case it started. Had to put the wig on to take the kids to school. Worried about taking the scarf off. Pulled it off. No hair in the scarf.

Phew! A few more hours to decide what to do.

Get home. Wig off. Looking at my hair. Right. Going to put a scarf on for the rest of the day. Let the boyfriend deal with it tonight. Scarf on. Looks OK. 

Now, if any hair falls out, I won't have to deal with it.

Well, another thought of mine which worked for about 10 seconds. My head is so 'prickly' that it's impossible to 'escape' thinking about the inevitable. Burying my head in the headscarf wasn't working. Burst into tears. More panic. Phoned my boyfriend. He was perfect. Understanding. Supportive. But I was too far gone. Pacing up and down. I realise I have a massive headache. Phoned a friend who's been through this. She said she wore a 'wig cap' during her 'fallout'. It's something that goes under the wig. It's like a stocking. But strong and tight to the head. It 'catches' the misery that is happening and then you can tip it into the loo to empty it. When I got my wig, I remember getting a wig cap. Searching the house. Can't find it anywhere. Losing my mind now. Had a thought. My aunt's a hairdresser. Where's the phone.

"Hello?" she answered. "I need your help" I managed. My sobbing was relentless. I explained what I needed. "Don't worry" she said "I'll call the guy and get a couple in for this afternoon" she said.  Head still banging. It's 11.30am. Need to kill some time. Need to stop crying. Bed.

2.30pm. Arrive at my Aunt's. Crying as I walk through the door. Big hug offered and gladly taken. Wig caps on the table. Still crying though. Trying to explain that I can't deal with handfuls of hair. Telling her that I know I need to cut it or something but that I'm not sure if I'm brave enough. "Come on" she said. Through to her 'salon' room. "Ok" I said. "Let's try a grade 4" I suggested.

Fuck it. Nothing could be worse than essentially having been hysterical all morning.

"But away from the mirror" I demanded. The result of this hair cut was one I did not want to see. Cut finished. Leant back a little to see the back of my head in the mirror. It was AWFUL. I recoiled. Put my hands on my head reluctantly. Mmm. Short. Like my boyfriend's. Ok. Try the mirror again. This time straight on. Not pretty. Look like my brother now. Getting used to the idea of this all now.

If I'm gonna do it, I may as well do it...

"Let's try a grade 3" I said.  Grade 3 done. Another look. "OK, let's go to grade 2" I continued. Grade 2 done. Not much difference really. "Let's leave it at a grade 2" suggested my aunt. "OK" I agreed.

In her kitchen. Having a cup of tea. Shoulders started to relax. Feeling a lot calmer. Like a big burden has been lifted off. Put my wig back on. Chin wagged for a bit. Then felt like I was ready to go home. Big hug. Lots of thanks. Drove home. Feeling completely different to my journey there. Not sad anymore.

Got home. Itchy from all the hair in my clothes. Hot bath. Nice. After, I watched the water drain down the plug hole. Very small bits of hair left in the bath. Showered round the bath. All gone. Easy.

Ok, now I know what it will look like when it starts to fall out. I can cope with that. It will all just slide down the plug hole. No blockages. It will just disappear.

Wig cap on. Head scarf on. That's how it will be from now on. Cap and scarf on round the house. Cap and wig on in out in public. Job done.

What a journey though...

  • FormerMember

    ask yourself this question ...

    is it worth losing your hair to be rid of your cancer ?

    of course it is...

    the chemo makes your hair fall out.

    the chemo can make you better !!!     getting better is the most important thing for you and everyone who loves you....

    your going to get better....and your hair WILL grow back.....

    best of luck from me to you.....

  • FormerMember

    Wow! I have woken up to all your amazing comments. Thank you so much. It's truly incredible how much hair loss affects us (gals in particular I think). No hair in the wig cap this morning, but for the first time, I feel I can cope with it when it happens.

    I did consider the cold cap. However, I was told that you can still end up with 'bald patches', because there are parts of the scalp that the cap doesn't 'touch'. This is just due to the nature of everyone having a different head size and there being a limited number of cold cap sizes. I thought no hair was better than bald patches. I also figured that brain freeze and cold water trickling down my neck during chemo wasn't worth something that wasn't a guarantee. Just my preference though. Others feel different.

    With regards to head coverings, I found a great American web site: http://www.headcovers.com. They have everything from fake lashes to hats with hair. I just went for a few scarves/turban type things. Oh, and an eyebrow pencil (didn't bother with the lashes or eyebrows, but I may change my mind). Just be aware that because it's from the US, you have to pay duty (which is not part of the price you pay on the web site). It's about 10% (in £'s) of the dollar price you pay, so not too bad.

    Love you all lots... I don't know how I would cope without all your help and support...

    Monna xxxx

  • FormerMember

    It is very traumatic, particularly for us ladies to lose your hair. I know some people will think thats very shallow considering the reason why it is falling out but that doesnt make it any easier just more real. That said I never thought my hair would fall out, I couldnt believe it. Like you I had lovely long hair and could not accept that it would go. My head got sore after about cycle 3, like when you have had it tied up tight all day. Eventually when it began to come out my husband shaved it, on a number 4 then 2. It stayed like that all the way through chemo. Then I finished chemo in Nov 07 and couldnt believe how quickly it started to come back. By March I had a lovely pixie crop like Kylie, by summer I had a couple of inches I could straighten with the pencil thin GHD's and now 2 years later its almost shoulder length and I have forgotten what it was like to look in the mirror and not have any hair.

    Love Chrissi xxx

  • FormerMember


    well my hair started coming out end of last week, i got really upset everytime i put a comb through my hair, sunday came and i was in on my own, had a bath and then i just got an urge to shave my head! my hair was quite long so i stood in front of the mirror with a pair of scissors and then went for it once i had started i had to carry on, then i realised i didnt have an electric razor, so got my venus razor and started, must have taken me about an hour and a half! then there i was completely bald, actually it wasnt as bad as i thought and i felt such a relief, since then ive been wearing bandanas and hats and i feel like a big weight has been lifted off me it feels great like ive taken control, shaving my legs has never been easier too done in no time now! so thats a bonus. i know its different for everyone and i really feel for you monna. but like my mum said if its doing that to your hair then imagine what its doing to the cancer!!

    lots of love and best wishes



  • FormerMember

    Hi Monna

    I found that I had a couple of days with my hair 'hurting'-like when you have worn it up and take it down again. It's a relief when you pluck up courage, like you have done and get rid of the rest. It starts growing again as soon as chemo has stopped so it will come back. I did find that I didn't totally get rid of leg hair-typical!