
4 minute read time.

A friend of a friend heard about my diagnosis. Turns out she is undergoing chemo for ovarian cancer. Subject of wigs came up. Trendco was the advice I got. Didn't know what a Trendco was, so I Googled it. It's a specialist wig shop in Kensington, London. Trevor Sorbie's name came up. He's a top London hairdresser. It's a shop he uses for his cancer charity. The charity is very new. It's called My New Hair (  

I came across various 'videos' Trevor Sorbie had posted on a video posting website called 'Video Jug'. All about buying wigs, fitting wigs, the different types of wigs, how to care for wigs etc. He mentioned his charity and said it was to help women who have alopecia or who were going to lose/have already lost their hair through cancer.

Part of my 'taking control' (see yesterday's 'Back on the Radar' blog) involved me contacting people for help. So (whilst in the midst of deep depression, a couple of weeks ago) I wrote a marathon of an e-mail explaining my situation. I asked for help. Not easy for me, But I was at rock bottom and sent it. It was very emotional. Very raw. Perhaps desperate. I didn't care. So much bad stuff had inflicted itself on me, I WAS desperate. Desperate for something positive to happen.

I got a reply the next day. Trevor Sorbie was going to take me to Trendco to get a wig! OMG!!! HOW EXCITING!!!! Not only that, he was going to help me choose it. Advise me on it. Take me back to his salon and cut it for me.

My face lit up. LIT UP? An understatement. Mad jumping up and down on the bed for several minutes. THE WORLD WAS SUDDENLY BRIGHT AGAIN.

Yesterday was the day. My big day out. A day just for me. I met Trevor at his salon in Covent Garden. We went to the shop. I have long hair and no fringe. Never had a fringe in my life. Trevor said I'd have to have a fringe otherwise everyone would know it was a wig. I agreed. Picked out lots of wigs. One of the first I tried on was it. The one. I just knew. My eyes shone when it went on. Very different to my current style. The fringe makes a difference. But it was semi long. Layered. Graduated round my face. Highlighted. Like the expensive, glamorous hair cut I could never afford. So decision made. Went back to his salon. He shaped the fringe a bit for me. Much better (I could see now lol!). Went home.

So excited, went straight round to my parent's house. My sister had also popped in. My dad was listening to music. My mum was in the spare room on the computer. My sister was telling me to hurry up (whilst having a fag outside) because she had to go to the gym.

Dad first. Wig on. Walked in. He laughed. LAUGHED!!!! I couldn't believe it. I had felt I'd found something to make me confident when my hair falls out and I got laughter.

Confidence rattled somewhat. But ok...

Mum next. Wanted to hear what the 'commotion' was about and came into the room. Jaw opened. Stayed opened for probably only a second or two but seemed like ages.

What is going on here? Don't they know how nervous this is making me?

I got angry with them. "Don't you think it looks really nice?". I asked. Dad replied "It's so different to what you usually have. I'm not used to the fringe". Then my mum piped up "You look lovely". "It's really glamorous" said my dad.

My sister entered the room (back in from her fag). She'd caught the tale end of my anger and disappointment at my parent's reaction. She immediately said "It looks really great. Don't listen to them." It was too late though. Confidence really quite shaken by then.

They could all see I was upset with their reactions. But Jesus fucking Christ, wouldn't you be? My precious hair. My big day out with a famous hairdresser. Felt sooooo confident. Now started to doubt myself. Went home.

Boyfriend came over after work. Wig on. Walked into the room. "Oh!" he said. "That's nice. Interesting colour. Not used to you with a fringe. Can they do something with that? It makes your face look a bit round". That was it. MY jaw now open.

Confidence at lowest now. How will I cope when I have to wear this thing?

The one person I expected to be excited for me and to give me the reaction I gave myself when I tried it on that morning, didn't. In fact, I expected all of them to have the same reaction as I'd had. I felt let down. That's the trouble with expectation, you get let down. I was so upset. He could see I was upset. He was really sorry. He said that he just wasn't used to me with a fringe and it looked so different. I didn't think it looked that different. It looks like what my hair probably should look like if I could be bothered to do it like that every day. Ok, with a fringe. Big deal.

Wig back in box.

Disillusioned. Disheartened.

Massive disappointment. Huge anti-climax.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Monna, im afraid i would have been like you and expected a different reaction. I am sorry but i think that they are all being very insensative. I guess they dont know just how bad it feels to go through all this. I went to a party a good few weeks ago, and wore a dressy head scalf that my mum had made, nice and lacey, really nice. All my friends at this party kept commenting how nice it was. This did me the world of good because i felt rubbish. I was getting ready to go out and i said to my partner that with the loss of hair and the extra weight i have put on during chemo, i felt like a man in drag. I have always been in control of how i look, its a huge thing for us to suddenly feel less attractive.

    take care


  • FormerMember

    read this ..started with a big smile endd up with my mouth wide open ...OMG!


    then remembered years ago .... i had shoulder length hair ...had an urchin cut! thought i looked gorgeous ...went out met mum dad and sistersin a pub soon as i walked throught he door my dad saw me and started laughing so loud !!!!

    well SOD  em ! ...i say

    go get ur wig back outta that box and wear it with pride ....remember your special day everytime you wear it! ....... i bet you look gorgeous

    hey maybe when your hair grows .......continue to have a fringe!



  • FormerMember

    i had the same reaction, i could feel your excitement.  they simply do not understand, they have no idea how it feels waiting for your hair to fall out.

    i also had an urchin pixie cut, the only positive comment i got was from my darling hairdresser, and i thought it was great, in my mind i looked just like wynona ryder and i stuck to it!!

    just stick to how you feel when you look in the mirror, and i bet you look gorgeous!


  • FormerMember

    Put the wig back on, I bet you look stunning, Trevor is not going to let you leave his salon looking like something to be ridiculed!  I'm sorry your dad was a little insensitive, but he's a dad, you're his baby girl and he's probably having a hard time of this too, there's unfortunately no manual on the correct protocols of dealing with a child (your child) with cancer.

    I've always loved Trevor Sorbie, we could do with more people like him in the world.

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    I was too was soooooo excited at the beginning of your blog, how fabulous but.........I am torn between the OMG and "at least they were honest"....which is what I wanted from my husband.

    I went to a specialist in a nearby town, only deal with ladies with alopecia or hairloss through treatment (chemo or radio).  He sat in the private booth with me and we had the best laugh in ages.  I have really fine "baby hair" and have never been able to grow it long, decided the first wig I would try with be long and lucious.....OMG scared the feck outta myself, I looked like something out of spinal tap.

    I tried lots and lots....some I liked, some hubby liked and we made a pile of maybe's.  When it came to the final wig, the hairdresser thinned out as much hair from it as she could, as I couldn't get used to seeing myself with so much hair!

    Worst part is, £200 down and I have worn it outside of my house once and inside once for a Macmillan visit!!!!!  I am lucky though, I still have all the back of my hair and some at the sides so can get away with wearing a hat (see profile pic).....without a hat I look like a cross between Max Wall and Andy from Little Britain!!!!

    I am so sorry that their honesty has rocked your confidence....none of them said it looked bad, just different and you'll all have to give it a little time to adjust to the new you.  If Trevor Sorbie had anything to do with it, I am sure its gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

    Put that wig on, flounce your hair and smile, cos you ARE beautiful.

    Debs xx