Bout Two Round One

Less than one minute read time.

I didn’t plan on a re-match. One championship bout was quite enough but the great match fixer had other thoughts. So here we go again just when I thought I had reached my former fitness levels.

I came out fighting but succumbed to a few body blows which had me flat on the canvass. Luckily for me
I have the best team in my corner. They get me up, sort me out and persuade me to duck and dive all over again. So here I am up and on my feet again ready for anything. Some of the spectators are shouting out their support. They think I am so brave. The truth is I’m just hanging on in there because I have no options. I either put up or literally shut up. My mouth guard is in, I have my boxing gloves on and I’m waiting for the bell to signal the beginning of round two.

Bring it on!

  • FormerMember

    Hannah I wish you all the best in your new fight. I hope you are able to once again knock Cancer into the next century. Sending you massive hugs and positive thoughts for your journey head. Diane x xx

  • FormerMember


    I'm in your corner!  Remember to keep your guard up and look out for low blows.  You've beaten this opponent once before and you can do it again. 

    Keep us updated round by round.
