Hi all

1 minute read time.

Last week we find out my mother has a few tumours on her bladder. They told us it is cancer but wouldn’t/couldn’t say anything else.
We are waiting for results from the biopsy.
I suffer with ASD and have never been any good at waiting for results. I have decided to stay with my mother and father while we wait for the results. Unfortunately they put a catheter in to try and help with the pain and as few other things.
Mum will not talk about what is happening and my dad is doing the normal male things and just acting like nothing is wrong.
Mums health has slow got worse over the last 6 months, to the point now where she can’t do anything on her own. It has been left to me to do everything for her. (Washing and dressing her etc) which o don’t mind doing at all.
I lay in bed every night and cry as I have no idea of what I am doing is helping or not.
I put on a very brave face around them as they just want things to be normal.
But I don’t know how much longer I can carry on acting like this.
Don’t get my wrong I will always be here for them both.

 I suppose what I’m really looking for are tips and advice on how I can cope and how I can help with mum and dad come to terms with what’s going on. 
I have no idea whether we should sit down as a family and discuss what kind of funeral my mum would like. We still waiting for the results. I don’t want to be looking on the dark side of things, but I also want to be prepared so if the worst does happen I know is it it was she wanted. 
