Push your GP!

1 minute read time.

I have been going to my GP for over a year - actually closer to 18 months or more - with exhaustion, diarrhoea, blood in my stools, forgetfulness and inability to concentrate, breathlessness on exertion, abdominal pain.

He seemed unable to put the clues together.

The diarrhoea was due to my diabetes tablets, the bleeding was due to my IBS (although he did check for piles with a proctoscope), the exhaustion and breathlessness were because I needed to lose weight. The forgetfulness was just lack of concentration. The abdominal pain was liver (2 ultrasounds later he put it down to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease).

Eventually in January this year, while on holiday I had two massive bleeds - bathroom looked like a scene from CSI - and went back. My GP was on holiday - hallelujah - and I saw one of the other practice doctors who referred me immediately to get it looked at.

The registrar I saw immediately ordered a colonoscopy and put me on a 2 week referral. I had the colonoscopy where they took biopsies from a large area in my lower bowel, near the rectum. As the doctor doing the scope thought it was likely to be malignant, he sent me for a CT scan. When the results of that came through I was sent for an MRI scan and saw a surgeon 4 days later.

That was yesterday - I have an appointment on Monday to have my colon cancer removed. It looks to be stage one so hopefully surgery will do the trick, but I have to wait until they check the area and lymph nodes to see if I'll need anything else.

Looking back I wish I'd asked to see one of the other doctors in the practice a lot earlier - don't rely on your GP!

  • FormerMember
    I totally agree..after Reading these forums for such a short amount of time, the mis diagnosis in young people is astonishing. Good luck for Monday. I hope your op is a success and you are back on your feet soon. X
  • FormerMember

    My GP was the opposite. She spotted a low iron count in my blood test for a diabetic review and wouldn't leave it. "The blood is going somewhere and we need to find it." On the couch with her finger up my bum I was at the bowel clinic two days later - she had found something. Camera there and then confirmed cancer -no beating about the bush. MY treatment has been second to none but the number of bad experiences people have is quite shocking.

    Good luck with your treatment - might took nearly a year - chemo -rasio and surgery with my rectum and anus being removed as my tumour was only 4 cms up. Mine was stage 1 and the outlook looks very good inded. I blogged all of my experiences on MacMillan under the heading "The Demise of Roland Ratso" which is what I called my tumour. It might give you some information to which you can relate.


    Keep smiling





  • FormerMember

    This discussion continues endlessly on the site.  I too was misdiagnosed, told I had piles and given cream and leaflets for same.  Three years on when symptoms progressed I saw three different GP's and all gave me a digital examination and diagnosed piles.  Only after insisting for refferal and a battle with a GP did I eventually get to see a consultant.  Guess what!!!! I had stage 3 rectal cancer.  That was two years ago now and I thankfully am doing well at the moment!!

    My advice is push for referral and don't always trust the opinion of a GP (the consultant didn't understand how three couldn't diferenciate between a pile and a tumour in my rectum)!!  I'm sure there are many excellent GP's and on the ball, but there is no harm in having more than one opinion and seeing a specialist if certain symptoms are displayed.

    Take care

    Jan x