Lost all my Positivity

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I was looking forward to turning 50 in July, they say 50 is the new 40.  4 days after my birthday I got a letter to go for my 1st mammogram.  Within 3 weeks I had had an ulstrasound, biopsy, WLE and SN removal.  People thought I was in denial because this didn't faze me because I had been born with a disability and have had several operations. Went back after 2 weeks expecting to get a start date for my 3 weeks radiotherapy only to be told I need another operation to remove all my lymph nodes as one had come back infected.  Again not a problem, just yet another operation.  Only this time I woke up in Intensive Care having suffered a anaphylactic shock.  Only now is it starting to hit me that I have breast cancer.  I go back next week for my results and have just lost all my positivity this time.  Has anyone got any tips to help me through this next week or so.

  • FormerMember

    Hello tiggerroo41.  I'm sorry to read about all you have been through.  I think it can take a while for a cancer diagnosis to sink it, I remember it finally hitting me some weeks later.  It's very difficult to try and stay positive.  What I find helps me is if I can manage to distract myself for an hour or two.  I find if I can have a break from thinking about cancer then I return feeling more able to cope.  I've also found strength by reading about other people's experiences.  Not just cancer patients but anyone who has struggled with adversity and come out the other side.  I think to myself if they managed to deal with their problems then I can deal with anything this wretched cancer decides to throw at me.  Don't forget the Support Line is here if you ever need to talk to anyone.  Take care xx


  • FormerMember

    Thanks Margaret for your kind words.  I am normally the queen of bouncing back after everything I have been through with my disability and I am sure I will this time too.  I just feel that every time I beat something, then another stumbling block gets in the way xx

  • FormerMember

    i am sorry to hear about your setback, i am looking forward to being 50 next year and like you but in a different way have struggled since birth allways get to the top of the hill and then you fall down again, but on reflection i think that these struggles have made us the VERY detirmined people that i know i am, but it does not mean that we cant wobble occasionally, but you now have everyone on these forums to help support you

