Fighting the enemy

  • an emotional day full of memories of Mum


    Completed my 5K race for life it was very emotional full of memories of Mum being there cheering me on last year. Isn't it ironic that this year cancer had taken her from me and it was her name and pictureI had on my back.

    I feel she was there in spirit though pushing me on

    Missing her so much these days


  • A Tribute to Mum


    March the 23rd 4.05

    That date and time is etched on my memory as long as I'm alive

    My Mum passed away and her soul was re-leased

    Life as I knew it had come to cease

    Birthdays and Christmases she made the best

    Now I have a dull ache in my chest

    She taught me so much when I was a child

    All the time she spent teaching me every nursey ryhme that was told.

    The holidays in Peebles where we as kids ran wild

    The singing…

  • The fight is over


    Sadly mum lost her fight for life this morning. Miss you so much it hurts.

    Anne :o(

  • Near the end


    Mum took a turn for the worse over the weekend, she can't even drink unassisted. Yesterday she was very agitated and broken blood spots started appearing all over her body. Blood test were taken and it was found her blood count is dangerously low because the cancer has attacked her bones the bone marrow is not making blood any more.

    The Dr has advised us not to take her home as she is at risk of heamoraging which…

  • We made it!


    Fife Council have seen sense, lo and behold the have came up with a decent care package. I wonder if it's because I threatened them with contacting my local M.S.P?

    So Mum will come home on Monday. She seemed to brighten up a little when we told her she was coming home. Fingers crossed she makes it to Monday.