My Mum's fight with the enemy

2 minute read time.

 June 2010 was the day that changed my life as I have always known it forever when I heard the consultant say to my mum It's lung cancer. My mum was so brave and dignified in her manner and just said ok thats fine at least I know what I'm fighting. Personally I was in bits when I walked out of the consultants office I couldn't speak. Not the best thing I know for my Mum, I will always regret that I wasn't strong for her that day as she was the one putting on the brave face.

Three weeks later she had a biopsy and a P.E.T. scan done this then showed that the cancer was already in her bones and her lymph nodes we were advised it was terminal but she would receive chemo to give us more time with her. We had lots of family gatherings making special times to be remembered when the dreaded time came time was the enemy always slipping away like sand.

After several doses of chemo we were given the news that the lesions on the bones appeared to be healing and the tumor was shrinking! Could a miricle have happened? There was much joy within the family I relaxed a bit more around her stopped phoning obsessively to see if she was ok. She used to answer the phone by saying hello stalker!

Then just before christmas she started to lose the power in her right hand this really upset her as she couldn't write her cards or wrap her presents. Christmas was always made special by her. She started falling over and was taken into hopsital to have a brain scan....... where we were told the horrific news that she now has two tumors on her brain. She was later given a full body scan that showed that the other tumors were still the same!

we have been advised that she only has a couple of months with us left, she has been given 5 doses of radium to perhaps give her a few more weeks. She is not aware that time is short we chose not to tell her as it may have made her lie down to this and give up. She is still fighting on making us laugh with her silly jokes. I am now finding it hard to put a smile on my face when I'm around her but I know I must...... as long as she is fighting the enemy....

  • FormerMember


    I don't know what to say except I am really sorry for what you are going through. My Mum has also been given the terminal diagnosis and like you I have not told her because I do not want her to give up. I have already lost my Brother and Dad and she is all I have.

    My heart goes out to you and what you are having to face.

    Carry on putting on that smile and tell her you love her everyday

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry for what you are having to go through, but take heart in knowing what a blessing you are to your mum,imagine if she had to face this alone,as many people do,she has the wonderful gift of a loving daughter, I know how difficult it is for you at the moment, but smile when you can and tell your mum how much you love her, just those two things will make her journey so much easier! LOL lynxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember


    I think it means so much just to know you are not alone. My mum has a terminal prognosis and will battle on as long as she can. Where do they get their strength from? I try not to think about after and the fact that it get's closer every day but take comfort in the good times we have had since she got the dreaded 'T' diagnosis. I'm sure she calls you 'stalker' with a giggle in her voice and is reassured by your calls and evidence of how much you love her. Take care, cry if you need to, I certainly have done plenty of that recently! Best wishes for what lies ahead.

    Di x

  • FormerMember

    Hello MrsBee,

    Im sorry to hear about your Mum. You and the rest of the family are going to have to be strong for your Mum, its at these times that Family have to pull together, and show plenty of support and caring.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your comments, I have found great comfort knowing I'm not dealing with this on my own. I hate to lay my feelings on my family as I know they are all dealing with this in their own way.

    Anne x