My Mum's fight with the enemy

2 minute read time.

 June 2010 was the day that changed my life as I have always known it forever when I heard the consultant say to my mum It's lung cancer. My mum was so brave and dignified in her manner and just said ok thats fine at least I know what I'm fighting. Personally I was in bits when I walked out of the consultants office I couldn't speak. Not the best thing I know for my Mum, I will always regret that I wasn't strong for her that day as she was the one putting on the brave face.

Three weeks later she had a biopsy and a P.E.T. scan done this then showed that the cancer was already in her bones and her lymph nodes we were advised it was terminal but she would receive chemo to give us more time with her. We had lots of family gatherings making special times to be remembered when the dreaded time came time was the enemy always slipping away like sand.

After several doses of chemo we were given the news that the lesions on the bones appeared to be healing and the tumor was shrinking! Could a miricle have happened? There was much joy within the family I relaxed a bit more around her stopped phoning obsessively to see if she was ok. She used to answer the phone by saying hello stalker!

Then just before christmas she started to lose the power in her right hand this really upset her as she couldn't write her cards or wrap her presents. Christmas was always made special by her. She started falling over and was taken into hopsital to have a brain scan....... where we were told the horrific news that she now has two tumors on her brain. She was later given a full body scan that showed that the other tumors were still the same!

we have been advised that she only has a couple of months with us left, she has been given 5 doses of radium to perhaps give her a few more weeks. She is not aware that time is short we chose not to tell her as it may have made her lie down to this and give up. She is still fighting on making us laugh with her silly jokes. I am now finding it hard to put a smile on my face when I'm around her but I know I must...... as long as she is fighting the enemy....

  • FormerMember

    Mum came to mine for dinner yesterday, it was tragic watching her. She had to have her food cut up for her was staggering and very disorientated. She fell in the bathroom and had to face the indignity of my sister and I helping her pull her underwear up and finally managing to get her to her feet.

    I know in my heart that she wont be back at my house and time is rapidly running out for her. I'm in bits today at work but really can't face it but hubby said its best I keep busy. :o(

  • FormerMember

    Mum went to hospital yesterday, the oncologist said the reason she could be falling over is that she is needing to go back on the steriods to bring the swelling in the brain down for a while and it's too soon to see if the radiotherapy is going to help. She is also going to go to the Maggies centre for day services 2 days a week to give my dad and sister a break. This roller coaster were all on gets too much!!