
1 minute read time.

Ok well ive managed to get on the site so thats a step in the right direction i have warped saved on my favourites and everyday countless times i have tried to get into it but it always timesout ?! I see big sis has set up a temp site on her blog so i will go say hi there as well but thought i would tell you about my week on here.....

Hospital appointment wasnt great i had a camara stuck up my nose and a fine needle biopsy taken from what was confirmed as a enlarged  lymph node on my cheek. It wouldnt have been so bad but the doctor didnt numb the area up first ( is that normal ?) and he felt like he was stabbing the node and shifting it with this needle and hence for 2 days now i have a swollen cheek. Now got to wait for the results but now have another node swollen under my jaw although this may be in response to other one being totally traumatised .

My coffee morning which is being held in my office is coming along fantastically all my colleagues have really got behind it and have made some amazing arrangements. We have a raffle with prizes donated by local businesses and cakes and i think the local coffeee shop is going to donate flasks of coffee for us. Our local mayor and newspaper are coming too and this has all been done because my friends knew how much i wanted to say thank you to macmillan for everything they have done for me and for introducing me to my mac family. I have also decided to return my new bag, its too fancy for me and well out of my affordable bracket so with the refund i am going to boost the donations and put the rest away for an emergency in the winter. It makes more sense and i am not really a self indulging person on the best of days and i cant even take it out the bag without feeling guilty hahahaha

i have booked my holiday to go and see my daughters and can't wait, we are going on the 7th for a week.

Anyway lovely friends speak to you soon xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey there you are! Please send me a link to Warped as I can't find it!

    oooh, yes, I had a camera up nose and a fine needle biopsy and no they don't numb it forst. They do if you have a normal biopsy though! So much sympathy foryou, it's not pleasant! When will you get the results?

    Huge congrats on the coffee morning! I am thjinking of doing one in my centre where i work but we havea  big xmas do coming up so may wait and do one in the new year. Let us know how you get on! :))

    How fab to be going to see your dauhters too - have a lovely time nd get spoiled if you can ;)

    Lots of love



  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya,

    No they dont numb the area where they take the biopsy from. You should get your results in about 2 weeks.  All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi !

    Oh that doesn't sound very nice, think I preferred the camera up my botty! I do hope those swellings go down.

    Site seems to be working a little better now in terms of speed, but we still need some things sorted like friends activity etc.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend and a great time with your daughters.

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi although I was new to warped I was enjoying catching up with it and contributing. Like Tim I think up the bum sounds much easier than up the nose ouch! Enjoy your hols, it's always lovely catching up with daughters.

    Take care

    Jan x














  • FormerMember



    This MIGHT be a link to Warped....... let me know if it works............ xxx