Sorry in advance, read with caution xx

4 minute read time.

I must have been searching for ages , all i wanted to do was add an update to my long can it take...... how emotional am i feeling right now.....must have something to do with it. sometimes the easiest things are the hardest especially when your eyes are filled with something that resembles tears but yet there is nothing to cry about ( no i am not pre menstrual, had that last week ) i think this is all to do with this bloody disease. I will try to explain what has happened this week and how i feel but i apologise in advance in case some of you think i am ungrateful.

I have spent the last 6 months waiting, waiting for doctors, tests, biopsies and results. Durring this time my mind has played out the possible results of what could be, not a good thing i know, and trying to accept the deck of cards that i had been dealt. Pain aside the incredible stress i put myself under and my family as well, all lead to me not being able to function, yes i could get up manage my home but couldnt manage going to work as my job involves health questionnaires at certain points that talks about cancer etc and i got to the point where i would just start to cry, not a professional look by any standards.

Anyway, i went to the hospital on Wednesday and sat there with amazing hubbie. We got called in and hubbie took my things and i was left in a large room with consultant, two nurses and not a theatre but an examination room. Was asked to put a gown over my clothes and lie down. for those of you who like Holby my surgeon is like the american Micheal but totally devoid of a personality. I mentioned my worries and he brushed them off he didnt want to discuss anything other than get on with the job in hand. Now this is supposed to be amazing surgury, MOHS is supposed to be ground breaking etc but to be honest i would give anything to go for a wide excision no questions aked and to have been put out for what followed next was nothing short of a nightmare.

I layed down and he tried to put local anesthetic in my nose, yes this part of the op is not done whilst asleep.....the pain is nothing short of shooting all over and then he says ok.... nurse tries to hold my hand but i am aware i might break it if i allow my pain and emotions through. so he slices away and i yelp and my legs go flying and he realises that he did nt give me enough...

10 ,inutes later i am escorted back to hubbie to await the results of the skin slice and hubbie looks on in horror as his wife is marched into a waiting room white as white and shaking from head to toe and even nurses look concerned !!!! Hence tea etc and blankets, bit late shouldnt care start from the moment you arrive.

An hour later i am told its clear op cancelled for following day oh and why am i not happy cause most patients are so happy to get the news.

I have all my life been told i am a chatter box from school onwards, even my clients have a hard time, maybe thats why they love me cause i take the pressure off them. But for once in my life i was totally speechless and not for good or bad resons. I cannot explain what went through my head, dont get me wrong i am pleased i didnt need a new nose but does that mean i am waking up after a bad nightmare or just enetering a good dream and how do i shake off the experience i have just been through ?

Does that mean that everything i have felt has been a lie for the last few months..... will work realise what and how i felt and that i wasnt lying, do family really understand that this was a real experience. yes i have cancer but does everyone feel i am a fake because i got of lightly...... so many questions and yet all i can do is cry and be angry and yet i am not sure what i am angry at, this bloody wrotten disease for taking up the last 6 months of my life. I went to the shops yesterday and laughed when i saw christmas stuff surely easter comes before christmas. oh yes i missed that god does this disease really pass so many months of your life unaccounted for......

I feel so ungrateful for such a good outcome and yet still some tests to go......I still feel like my results have been mixed up and that i might be walking around with what i believe is there.....Is this normal...... all i know is that thsi horible disease has left me with nothing but awful memories. Actually thats not true because being on here has shown me the kindest, nicest and considerate family i have ever known and without them i would never have got this far.

I am so sorry, without even reading back i know its depressive but i need to put it down and in the words of my bid sis, ' anyone that made it this far deserves a prize' so drinks are on me.....

  • FormerMember

    HI Annette

    Forgive my frazzled brain, I'm not sure I've picked up on the detail here.  Am I right in thinking that the cancer isn't as bad as they thought it was? And as a result, no new nose needed?  If so, I don't blame you for feeling weird!  After going through all those months of worry and distress, they tell you this now?  Why didn't they check this out sooner and then they could have saved you a lot of needless worry.

    I'm just relieved for you, that you've managed to avoid major surgery, but I can understand you worrying about what's happened and what it means and getting back to work.

    What a day you had, it sounds awful and I'm surprised you didn't do physical violence to the Doc!  I hope you are at least back at home now and able to relax.  Have they told you what happens next?

    I'm so sorry this has been so distressing, I hope you get time to think things through.  You've lost several months and have dealt with a lot of pain in the process, so you have to come to terms with it all, but if I've understood properly, this does sound to me like a good result!

    I'm just glad you're well and safe!

    Love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Annette, what a crap doctor you had, I am so sorry!

    I am happy that you don't need the big op, but what a frustrating and worrying time, no wonder you feel so confused!

    Sleep, rest, talk to us here and your medical staff, it will all make sense soon. What is the next step now, do you know?

    Love and Blessings


  • FormerMember

    Little sis.. if you read the first part of my blog today you will see we are sisters in more ways than one. I could have written the same as you, word for word in that this is the biggest headf***k ever and I am stunned and sad and feel a bit of hang on a minute..  and wanting to shout at my colleagues who are now saying oh no excuses now  etc.. So, its normal I guess (well as normal as the 'My sisters' are going to get... so lets talk our way out of it together I say cos we are sisters and my head is all over the place (like you might have seen on warped) and actually why shouldn't it be? And others do understand and my boss just sent an email to the whole school telling them to be easy on me and not ask me to do extra even though I got some good news..

    I am a little confused too... I know you didn't need the flap thing, but have they just left your nose? Do you need more treatment? Or is that it for now?

    I learned that although you feel all that, everyone on here (including me for others of course) thinks fan-bl**dy -tastic if its good news and I think you have gone through so much and I even told P about you the other night when we were bricking it a bit and I said I am glad I am not Annette, cos that's her face and that's scary... I'm lucky. (bums don't count for most people) so your experience is real and is scary and if it is good news then we rejoice and we need to work out the next bit together cos as I said, I feel like a rabbit in the headlights and in some ways it was easier to say I've got cancer.. what do we now say? I have/might have/had... I'm not sure, hmmmm

    Sorry, I am rambling. I know exactly how you feel cos I feel the same (without the crappy dr and the nose etc of course) and you have my sympathy on the local anaesthetic OUCH!

    Big big hug to you my bestest little sis in the world

    Little My xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Annette, what a terrible time you have had. Can't believe that there are still some doctors with this attitude...actually I can as I came up against one in ENT last November. I complained to the hospital, as I have been through too much to stay quiet now.

    If you have an understanding GP go and talk to them. Although I am in remission I still have panic attacks (less frequent now) that its returned, or come back somewhere else (as there is a chance that will happen) Think that's why they talk about living with cancer. You have not been lying, and it has been real, and no less important than anybody else's illness

    Try and enjoy the time between, and lean on people that you know you can count on.

    Love and BIG HUGS  xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette,

    First relax, so pleased for you with your results - Fantastic !! Think its just a reaction, maybe even a feeling of guilt, you feel you let us down by not having cancer or think we will be jealous ?

    Relax, some of us already know our end game and how the hell could a mates good news ever depress us - strike one for the goodies.

    Sorry your experience was so traumatic, think he may need to work on his bedside manner and maybe anesthetic techniques - Tosser !! I

    If hubby wont be offended could I give you a friendly hug  please and hope you you both live to a ripe old age.

    Never forget that the difference between life and death is just a few simple letters - 'Cancer' so take the bonus, live like there is no tomorrow, sing till you voice goes and dance until you are too tired  to go on - live for those who may not make it - but never ever feel guilty  Mate.

    Watched too much star trek - 'Live long and Prosper' lol xx

    John xx