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Just got diagnosed with a tumour on my bowel. All abit of a shock. It was only found during a routine colonoscopy and a very nosey Consultant. Had no danger symptoms & feel as fit as a flea. Surgery is scheduled for next Thursday. Feel so scared & fearful. Ct scan came back clear, so it has not gone to any other organs. Can anyone give me some tips on coping. It is affecting my whole well being, can't sleep, eat & constantly in tears.
  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Of course you are shocked and scared. With no warning signs or worries before hand it must be a complete shock to you. BUT take it as a good sign that it has been caught early and that is a good thing. There are an awful lot of people out there who have or have had bowel cancer who are living full and long and happy lives after their treatment. You are on the road to recovery now and something is being done about it.

    I think the waiting and not really knowing and it being all new is the worst bit. Once you get going things seem to start to sink in and you have your treatment and you realise that life goes on and it starts to be ok in an odd way.

    Join the bowel cancer group and ask in there for any specific advise re treatment. Coming on here is a great start too. Lots of love and support will come your way.

    There is an excellent advice line too that you can ring on Monday when it opens again. See main page for the number. You should be given a specialist nurse. They are really helpful in talking through your worries and fears with you and putting things into perspective. If you also go to the be macmillan page (see the very top of this page) you can order some excellent booklets with lots of info in them. Once you start reading these and speaking to others and seeing other people, i think it sinks in that it is something that does not mean the end of the world and that there can be light at the end of the tunnel etc.

    Do not start googling as you will scare yourself silly with all kinds of mad info.

    I have anal cancer and am 15 months post treatment. I am working full time, going to the gym, swimming and going on holidays abroad and enjoying life. It is possible to come out the other end and get on with things. They won't be the same as before as this changes your attitude as well but it can be better than before too. So, chat to us, keep your chin and cry on our shoulders when you can't and hang on in there.

    If you are finding it all too much, go and see your GP they can get you counselling or sleeping tablets or whatever to get you through this phase. Think that you have to have some treatment and as that will start soon, use the time from now till then as a plan of action time. Get things organised such as cooking and freezing meals, sorting out housework and shopping etc. Get some exercise (fitter you are the quicker you recover) eat well as you will not eat so much after an op for a while. You will not be able to lift anything for a few weeks so sort things out now to keep you busy. Are heavy pans in high cupboards? Are the sheets or towels out of reach? Just keep busy getting ready and then you don't have time to think. Do fun things. You are going to be laid up for a bit at least after an op and don't know if you are having anything else after that? Radiotherapy? chemo? some do, some don't, but either way, you will be busy getting treated and recovering for a while so do anything active you enjoy now this week. Oh and laugh as much as you can. Find the humour in things really helps when you can. See if you have a friend who makes you laugh or feel good about yourself and invite them round or go out for coffee or something.

    Ok, now I am rambling on... and all of that is easier said than done and we have all been there wiht the wobbles and crying etc.

    Good luck and it gets easier I promise it does. The beginning before you step on the ride is the worst bit...

    Big hug

    Little My xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Thank you, thank you so much!! Before l got my diagnosis I really didn't have a clue what was "cooking" inside of me. At least I know that the little gremlin is on it's way out. My consultant said that it would have been about 18 months before I would it have caused me heaps of trouble, so the sooner it is evicted the better!!! The last week has certainly changed my mind set. In particular people at work who used to bother me now I can't even waste my energy on them. I feel that this definitely a "new beginning". I could not agree with you more about the laughter, to me that is always a brilliant way to lift your spirits. I have infact treated myself a box set of Carry on.... films & the box set of Friends. Sounds really tacky, but I really don't care!!!!!! From my heart, i wish you every good wish & luck with your journey. With lots of love & hugs, Debs xxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Glad you agree with me about the laughter. I have not laughed so much in ages as when I had my treatment... either laugh or cry so laugh I say...  Great you got some box sets to watch too and good luck with your new beginning and we are here with you for the ride. Go and see a friend who makes you laugh and tell them you need to be positive and have a good day tomorrow.

    Thank you for the good wishes :) Much appreciated...

    big hugs

    LM x

  • FormerMember

    Hey! im Amy (19) 

    Im exactly where you are now. I got diagnosed on friday this week, it was found by chance (and again a nosy doctor) when I was having a simple cyst removed. I also feel 100% fine! so I just cant come to terms with it. Ive had about 4 hours sleep in the past two days and I have no desire to eat. Im glad to have found someone in my same position. The only way I have found to cheer myself up is my "fuck you cancer" playlist on my ipod. It really does work, listen to the most happy songs you can think of.