Lumpectomy, radiotherapy , then depression.

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Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is keeping ok. It has been a roller coaster year with a sudden diagnosis of DCIS then Lumpectomy then radiotherapy. Felt I handled that ok but now the depression has set in. Absolutely awful at times. Know ive been lucky but sometimes feel like walking to the top of a mountain, sitting there and just enjoying the view. You tend to forget the side effects of your diagnosis as you are so busy getting on with things. Hope any Newbies out there take time to take stock of their feelings so they get help ASAP. I was lucky my doctor realised and has been brilliant providing support and anti depressants but it is still a long haul.

love and hugs to all, xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Been there, done that, got the Tee shirt. Know exactly how you feel.

    Hang in there, you've beaten the cancer, YOU can beat this.

    All the best


  • FormerMember

    Thank you, know I will get there but hate the depression more than the cancer if that sounds strange. You can cut out the cancer but depression affects the whole of you. But, will keep taking the tablets and will get the help I need to beat it. Thanks for your reply, it does help to sound off sometimes, Thanks. Pat