feeling terrible

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Hi! I need to know if anyone has been through what I just have. I read someones story about beating cancer, and i didnt feel good for them as i should. I felt jealous and resentful, I rolled my eyes, then caught myself doing it. I felt so ashamed, because I shouldnt feel that way! 

  • FormerMember

    Don't feel ashamed- when you are in the middle of something it's difficult to feel good for someone who is on the other side of it. I was diagnosed at 21 and went through a phase of being jealous of the older people at clinic because I felt that they had lived their lifes, had their kids etc and I wished I hadn't become ill till I was older. At the time I was horrified with myself, but looking back I can understand why I felt like that. Just don't let the feelings take over you and you'll be fine :) It might be good to talk it over with your Clinical Nurse Specialist and see if she can send you in the direction of someone you can speak to. Don't just bottle the feeling up, it doesn't make you a bad person- it is completely understandable.

    When I was at clinic about 3 years ago just now, totally miserable a lovely lady came up to me and said 'you're in the middle of it all just now, but it'll get better, I promise' and I suppose that's what you need to focus on. I'm 2 years out of treatment and I'm telling you, it will get better. The beginning is the worst, when you have no idea what is going on and you have to tell people and deal with their reactions when you're just getting your head round it just now. It's hard going but it gets better.

    Please take care. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Totally agree with the last comment.....you are a human being, with very strong emotions and part of that is thinking about yourself, what you are going through & that there are days when you want to live, not exist, no more pain, no more battles. Take each day at a time & you are you.....very Dr Seuss I know, but do things your way, everyone has their own journey. I lost my sister nearly a year ago & sometimes when people post on social networking all those photos with sister messages etc.....I hate the fact they still have theirs......but I know what I had with mine & even cancer can't take my memories xxxx


    Stay strong.....keep fighting & above all focus on today.......

  • FormerMember

    Hi! Thanks Pin and more minxy, its nice to know im not alone in my feelings. I just got really worried about it.