feeling grotty

1 minute read time.

Well, I knew things were going downhill before I went to the onc 2 weeks ago.  I walked in and he took one look at me and said 'Do you want that drained?'  It was so apparent..... so gave me the presription for  the new chemo, which I take at home for 10 days, and tried to arrange an asicities drain.  I did say last time I  ended up with a chest infection, so could I have a presription for natibiotcs 'just i n case'.  We don't work that way, you'll have to see your Gp if you have the symptons.  My Gp works 2 half days!! Went home with my drugs, and waited for the drain appointment to come.  The nurse phoned and said that she was trying hard to get one for that week, but the radiologist had looked at my CT scan and said it wasn't urgent.  The scan was 4 weeks old!!   Eventually she managed to get me one for last Monday.  Meanwhile I woke up on the Tuesday morning, took my first chemo tablets and started sneezing.  I phoned my GP and asked her to call me back on the Thursday as she had no appointments....... she phoned Mnday when I was in hospital, and said she was away for the rest of the week!  The cold progressed nicely, and by the time I arrived at the hospital I fully expected them to send me home again, but they didn't, and my nose wasn't too bad while I was laid flat. They drained off 7 litres  of fluid, and  I did get the doctor that discharged me to check my chest and she said it seemed to be cleared but if I continued coughing to see my GP.  Thursday I went to see another GP in the practice and he gave my antibiotics straight away, but how long until I feel better?  I'm still coughing and feeling lousy.  I don't know if I had any side effects from the chemo, what with the fluid, the chest drain and the cold.   Next week I'm due chemo again, so I hope I can throw this off before then!!


I was supposed to start getting a llfe again this week, starting with a reflexology this afternoon, and lunch out tomorrow......

Any ideas for getting rid of a cold after 2 weeks would be appreciated.

