Kidney cancer and possible hip(bone cancer) advice desperately needed!

1 minute read time.

ok so back in 2012 my mum got diagnosed with kidney cancer and at that ver same time also got told she only actually had 1 kidney! Total shook to her! Her tumour was around 7-9cm and had stayed within the kidney! She had her only kidney removed and was put onto dialysis. They also found a very small lung nodule which they kept an eye on, just before Xmas she had a pet scan to check the lung nodule and to maybe get some kind of answer as to whether it was CANCER nodule. She went back last week for her results and was told the lung nodule hadn't shown on her scan but a possible tumour is on one of her hips. She is having a hip biopsy this tues and I am going out of my head with shear worry! Few questions I need answered are, if the CANCER remained within the kidney like they said does this mean it won't be a cancer spread from the kidney to her hip? Or is it possible that it hadn't remained in her kidne and they got it wrong? She isn't in any pain on her hip but surely what they found has to be something? In general how long does a cancer take if it's gonna spread? So so anxious right now and just feel sick constantly! Any advice or personal experiences would be really welcomed right now xx

  • Hello Kay. Sorry it's taken so long to answer your blog. I know how you feel and that terrible gripe in your stomach waiting to know, and the dread of what happens when you do know. My heart goes out to you

    may I suggest you post this onto the kidney cancer group on this site, and the family and friends group. You will get a lot of lovely folks coming to support you and offer advice and love.

    my best wishes to you and your mum, Mary

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mary

    thank you for replying, I think I've already posted it in the kidney cancer group and I will try and post in the other group you mentioned. Thanks for taking the time to answer it's very much appreciated xx