Fed up

1 minute read time.

Have tried really hard to be positive all the time. Was fairly certain when I found the lump just before Christmas that it would be breast cancer. Wasn't expecting it to be grade 3. Had expected surgery and was relieved to hear it hadn't travelled. Thing I am really struggling with is the preventative chemo and radiotherapy. As far as I knew before having cancer, chemo etc was to kill the cancer cells not for prevention. Not being silly, I know it has to be done but it's really hard. Picc line didn't go in so have had to have a Hickman line put in - and as I have always had problems with my veins when having blood tests shouldn't have been surprised when vein and artery in my neck were the wrong way around, nor when the surgeon had to take several attempts to get it in. Just feel that it's one step forward and two back. Latest is that second round of chemo is on hold while I have an ultra sound on my arm (where the hickman line is) to make sure there is no blood clot as my arm is aching and is slightly swollen.

I guess I was expecting the chemo would be hard but not all the stuff around the chemo
