face it alone

1 minute read time.

i've had my voice box removed,This is my second battle with cancer.It started in 1999,with the removal of my saliva glands.The recovery didnt go as planned,i got Necrosis due to the radiation.THis made me deaf on my right side and blind on my right side,my sense of balance is upset,so my mobility is affected.Then last year i got cancer ibn my throat,and had my voice box removed,so now i cant talk or use a phone e.c.t The necrosis will eventualy kill me.last year my brother was murdered,and my grand daughters taken into care.Then on 12 august the stopped my benefit.They said they had sent me a form to fill in,i didnt get any form to fillin and i told them that ,but still my benefit is stopped untill further notice.I was told because i have a wife we have to manage off her bunefit of£150 every 2 weeks.This has forced me ibnto debt icant pay my 3 direct debits,so the companies that i pay them to charge £12 non payment fee.then the bank charge £12 for not having the money to pay the direct debits so thats£36 and the bills still havent been paid.im living with no heating,cant afford it ive eaten once in 3 days,im a happy go lucky chap usually but now enough is enough;cancer is the easy bit and i realy dont care it gets me this time cos ive had enough,no one should fight it alone,what a joke.

  • FormerMember
    I'm so sorry to hear of your problems Des. You should try to talk to someone in social services about your benefits. They may be able to help you sort it out. The Macmillan team also have people that can help with benefits. You should not be in a position where you cannot eat or have heating. Sadly cancer can alienate us from others, and even though we may be surrounded by friends or family, the fight can feel very lonely. No one is an island and yet we feel exactly that. I hope you get something sorted out bud. Please don't give up. Best wishes to you xx