Waiting is the worse

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My husband was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus on the 8th March. we are now waiting for his appointment with consultant on Tuesday, after he had more tests this week. I feel once we know whats gonna happen next I will be able to pull myself together and do what we gotta do. he has lost a stone in weight but only weighed 101/2 stone in the first place. Is hard to watch him struggling to swallow food, he knows he has to eat, but its hard.

I'll probably be writing a lot more once we get onto treatment, not sure if I will be able to cope, thats the scary part.

  • FormerMember

    Hi. I know just how you feel. My husband had kidney cancer 2 years ago and was told recently that he had secondaries all around his body. We had to wait 2 weeks for the results of the scans and when they came I had such mixed emotions. I needed to be strong for our 3 children, my parents are in their 80s so I didn't want to upset them, and I didn't feel I could phone any friend up at 6o'clock on a Friday evening with me in floods of tears! All that evening I was in complete turmoil but by Saturday morning I had taken on board everything the consultant had said.

    Knowing what you have to face is empowering. The waiting is the worst bit. We knew when we went that there was never going to be any good news but now we know what he has to do, we feel - well, what do we feel?! I don't really know but it's better than the waiting.

    All I can say is be strong for your husband. I do have to tell my friends - it's the old sewing circle! Us girls must stick together but your husband needs you to tell him all he needs to hear - even if it sounds corny.

    I wish you all the very best and I know what you have to face on Tuesday - I was there on Friday.

    I'll be thinking of you. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Exmarshy,

    The waiting is the hard part. Once you have had a chat with your husbands consultant and you know what his treatment plan will be you will feel a lot more confident in your own ability to cope.

    I hope all goes well for you both. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx