Preparing for the inevitable

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I would be interested to know how when the end is near people live the rest of their days? 

What see's them through. We don't need to get ready for anything,.as we will no longer be here. 

We don't know when it's going to take us, but we know it will. Soon

You just sit and wait to die. That's all we can do. What else is there? Stay away from the outside world as much as possible. We have nothing else to contribute. Why do we exist? Just to exist. I have not been living since age 38. Nearly 7 years. 

Because I am dying family members have to limit any contact with me. Friends have disappeared. I understand that, what is the point in continuing friendships relationships when I am nearly dead? 

How does everyone cope with that feeling ? End of life care. 

  • I'm more concerned that I leave everything tidy for my son when I go. My chemo brain is getting worse so I may have to go into a home, but I'm trying to get my affairs in order so that he can handle the probate. He's getting his first child next week, so he won't have any spare brain space.

  • Hi. Sometimes I wonder when is it going to be my time,how long do I have left? Living with a death sentence hanging over your head. I wish I knew so I could plan what's left of my life. Get your house in order I was told. Well done that! People say make a bucket list. All I want is to make some healthy memories with family so they remember good times. Somedays I just get on with it,acting like I don't have this horrible condition and then other days when I'm alone at home i get angry and resentful and question why me? Which I guess is selfish as others are in the same boat. I feel I'm a burden especially on my other half who has been fantastic with it through it all even though I know it's upsetting her and I feel guilty with putting her through it. So what I guess I'm trying to say is I have mixed feelings and emotions about it all. I just want the last few hours to be peaceful and painless,and hopefully meet up with my best pal who we said goodbye to a couple of week ago,at the Rainbow bridge.